Chapter 18 - The Truth Unfolds

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   "Sebastian, on second thought, examine it now." Ciel ordered. "I already have my young lord." Sebastian replied. I didn't know what the piece of hair looked like. That brought me to ask, "Sebastian... Would you be okay if I took a look at the piece of hair you found?" He nodded and put the piece of hair in the palm of my hand. It was a short strand of hair. It was short enough to be a mans. It was a brown color, and was soft silky touch to it. It was tangled up. It looked as if it were roughly pulled out. It started to maker heart beat. "This... This is Jack's hair, isn't it?" I thought to myself. "I have an awful feeling that the killer is Jack but it doesn't make any sense. Why would he do this? I guess ... I have no other choice but to ask." I thought. I imagined how it would go and thinking about it brought tears to my eyes. I wiped them away before they could fall. I gave the piece of hair back to Sebastian who looked curious. Thankfully he just stayed quiet.  In stead of heading back to the manor, We were parked outside The Den. "I thought we were going straight home." I said facing Sebastian who was right next to me. "Well, after examining this strand of hair, we now have a new suspect. Which brings us back to square one." My heart sank. "Jack ... It's you ... Isn't it?" The though kept repeating over and over again in my head. Sebastian and Ciel were already out of the carriage. I saw Sebastian peek his head back in then back out. I could hear him mumble something to Ciel but I didn't know what. He came back onto the carriage and sat next to me staring straight at me. "(Your Name), what's wrong with you? You look like you are on the verge of crying. You can cry." Sebastian said putting his hand onto mine which was resting on my lap. "No, I'm sick of crying. I'm done." I said turning my gaze at him. He slipped his hand off of mine. "(Your Name), the man you encountered at the ball awhile ago ... It was Jack Dexter the bar tender here wasn't it?" I went cold hearing him say that. It was time. I couldn't hide it anymore. The truth must unfold.  I was speechless at that point. I couldn't speak up. I just nodded. "You know that I know that there is a good chance he's are killer but I can tell you've developed feelings for Jack. Which is making you to the point were you would do anything to keep him safe." I couldnt help but let a few tears fall from my face. I nodded again. "I hate myself. I can't do this to Sebastian, but I don't want to lose what I have with Jack but at the point I'm at now, there was only one option. I needed to let Jack go and stick at Sebastian's side." I started to cry. Sebastian stretched his arm out to put around me. He held me but I felt awful for letting him. I felt terribly guilty but I wasn't really sure what for. "Sebastian I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so confused I don't know what to do anymore." I cried out. "It's okay." He whispered wrapping his other arm around me. "Its Not okay, you are always there for me first and you've always been there for me but... When I was alone and confused Jack came along and I love him but when doing so I felt like I was betraying you and I don't know why." I knew exactly why I felt guilty and it was because I loved Sebastian. I feel like Sebastian would treat me differently if he were to know about Jack. I took Sebastian's arms off me and wiped away my tears. "(You Name), why didn't you want me to know?" He ask slightly gripping onto my chin making me face him. "I want to say I love you Sebastian but, I can't. I don't want to love you the way I do." I thought. I took his hand off my chin and stood up. "Let's go. I just want this to be over but Sebastian promise me that you'll do everything you can to make sure that we don't put him down tonight. There is something I need to try before you do anything." I said. I didn't want to stick around to see what he would say. Hopefully he agreed to my terms. He came up from right behind. Ciel was before me looking curious. "What's wrong? Are you alright (Your Name)?" Ciel asked. I didn't want to lie but I didn't want to talk about it either. "Yeah I'm fine, my eyes are just burning a bit that's all. Allergies I guess." He looked like he wanted to question me further but he ended up gesturing his hand to have us follow behind him, which was what Sebastian and I did.  I'd follow behind him from his right side and Sebastian would follow behind him from the left. It was as if we were his shadow, we'd follow him closely everywhere. Ciel took a seat at the front bar counter, Jack was the main bar tender. He came out from the curtain that was right next to the shelves of alcohol looking shocked to see that him, Sebastian, and I were all in the same room. "What can I do for you guys?" Jack asked acting like his normal happy jolly self. Sebastian stepped in a little closer. "We're not here to drink I'm afraid. We are here to ask you a few questions, if that will be alright." Sebastian said giving him a unpleasant stare. I could tell Sebastian wasn't happy with Jack, and I'm not to sure on why. "Of course." He answered politely. Then his stare went to me. He still held his composer though. I couldn't tell if he was mad at me or not. I definitely know he isn't happy to see Sebastian. "Hey (Your Name), are you alright?" He asked. "Um Yeah I'm fine...I'm fine." I replied. "(Your Name) you know this man?" Ciel asked. I couldnt lie about it so I was blunt about it. "Yes, I know him. I met him at your formal ball two weeks ago." He nodded his head in silence and he looked at Sebastian then back at Jack. "Jack Dexter, Where were you yesterday night between the hours of nine and ten?" Ciel asked. "I didn't know what Jack was going to say. I want to know, I need to know." I thought. "I was at your manor last night." Jack spoke up. I stepped up closer to Ciel. "What do you mean? Sebastian were you aware of this?" Ciel asked looking back at the both of us. "No but I started to catch onto it. I would have noticed but he has been using a rare powder to cloak himself to wear I wasn't able to sense him coming to the estate. A demon's powder. Very well done." Sebastian said with a smirk appearing on his face. "Why have you been coming to my mansion?" Ciel said clutching his fists together, slowly getting angry. "I've been coming to your manor every night and that's because I like (Your Name)." Jack said and the bar went silent and my heart started to race. 

My New Life (Sebastian x Reader) - (FIXING ALL SPELLING, DIALOGUE, PUNCT)Where stories live. Discover now