Chapter 3

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Jade pov:

Camilla and I run out to the field, i see Tom and Liam sitting on the bleachers. I smile when i see Tom. "Okay, you come on before Miss Cocren sees you staring at my bestfriend" Camilla says. "Bestfriend?" I ask. Camilla laughs and nods. "I thought he was your boyfriend!" I say. "He's sweet but i like someone else..." she says. "Ladies! Attention?!" Miss Cocren yells. Me and Camilla laugh and run to the rest of the group. We start by running laps, looks like i'm faster then the rest.
"Lewis come here!" The teacher says, i run over to her. "Your fast kid" she says, i nod in reply. "Intrested in the track team?" She asks. I nod in excitment. "Welcome in the team!" She says, I smile and thank her, i look over at the bleachers, they're gone, oh well, i see him tonight.
I run to my room, without saying hi to mom. When I'm upstairs I check my phone.
                      One new group chat

Unknown: hey Jade it's me! Camilla❤️
Me: oh Heyy!! I guess the rest are the one's at the table this afternoon?
Unknown: yep, Harry btw :)
Me: okay tell me how you wanna be in my contacts :)
Unknown: Cami⭐️🦋❤️
Unknown: Haryyyyyyy🐸💗
Unknown: Zayn😴🌟
Unknown: Louis🍔😂
Unknown: Niall🎤❤️
Unknown: Tom💛💛
Zayn😴🌟: damn Tom, two hearts?!
Tom💛💛: Harry and Niall got hearts two🤷‍♀️
Louis🍔😂: Tom has a crush😂😂
Tom💛💛: i don't, Jade change mine too, Tom😊😂
Me: okayy
Niall🎤❤️: that sure proves a lot
Tom😊😂: i will kill you later on!
BigBro🙋‍♂️❤️❤️: Y'all shut up! I'm trying to get ready😂😂
Cami⭐️🦋❤️: you're a boy Liam...
BigBro🙋‍♂️❤️❤️: i know exactly my point
Me: 😂😂
Tom😊😂: 😂😂
Me: i'mma go see you guys later!
Cami⭐️🦋❤️: see ya later 🐊
U went offline

I get my make up out and start getting ready.

I get my make up out and start getting ready

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I run back downstairs. "Oh there is my missing daughter!" My mom says. I laugh and hug her. "First party?" She asks. I nod and look at the time. "Liam! Time to go!" I yell as Liam runs down stairs. "Have fun kids" my mom says. I hug her and then we leave. Looks like we're early. "We're over here!" I hear Zayn shout. Me and Liam walk towards them and sit down. Tom was laying on the couch with Camilla sitting next to him. "Truth or dare?" Zayn says. "No, nooo" Louis complains. "Isn't this a kids game?" I asks. They all laugh. "Not the way we play" Zayn says. "Jade truth or dare?" Zayn  asks. "Truth" i answer. "Craziest place you did it?" He asks. "Uhm, pass" "Why that's an easy one" Zayn says. I look ar him and then i look around. "Wait, are you a virgin?" Zayn asks, they all look at me. "I'll do dare" i say changeing my answer. "I dare you to make out with Tom" he says. "She won't do it" Harry says. I look down. Camilla nods her head to Tom as a sign that he should come. He stands up and walks to me. Zayn takes his phone and starts filming. He bows over to me. "Do you want to do this?" He asks. I stand up so were close to eachother. "I'm done playing this game." I say looking him in the eyes and then walking away to somewhere private.

Third persons pov
"I like this girl" Niall said. Zayn stands up. "Aah Tom Holland had his first rejection" Zayn  says. This might come as a shock but Tom isn't as sweet as you all think, he'd actually the popular dude at school, together with Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis and Camilla. They are all pretty chill but they can also be bad. Like Tom, he has had many girls, he lost em all, either cheating, bullying or mistreating them. He'd always sweet to the new kids for a while but then after 3-4 days it's goodbye goodboy act. Hello popular douch bag...

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