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george's pov

i sighed as the silence of my apartment rang through my ears. every room felt cold eventhough it was the middle of summer, and each day i sat in my room with no one to talk to. the quiet deafened me. i'd always hated being by myself, even as a teenager i wouldn't want my parents to leave home without me, eventhough for most teens they loved having the house to themselves.

it's not as if i officially lived alone. i still have alex as a flatmate, but he's currently travelling the world with james and his girlfriend, so it pretty much felt like i did. alex of all people know i hate being by myself, so for him to leave me for a few months really touched a nerve. it's like when i was left alone before hand, and i made that video on ksi - we all know how badly that went down, purely because i was just in such a foul mood from not having any company.

i sighed again. alex only left 4 days ago but it felt like i was going insane. i picked up my phone and called will, hoping he could pop by, or i could visit him just incase my head explodes.
"hello?" his northern accent rang down the phone.

"hey, i was just wondering if you were around?"

"nah i'm not buddy, sorry. i'm out with mia at the moment and won't be back till late."

"ah, right" i said, not meaning to sound as disappointed as i did.

"why, what's up?" he said, a flash of concern going through his voice making me feel appreciative that someone seemed to care.

"nothing, don't worry 'bout it. see you sometime soon."

"okay mate, sorry again."

i hung up and looked around my room. if alex was going to be gone for a while, and all of my mates had other people to be involved with, i needed to find somebody to help me keep my anxiety under control, and spend every day with me.

i opened up my laptop, and put my flat under 'rooms for rent in london', in hopes of finding a temporary flatmate.


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