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it's been like over 3 years... lmao i am so sorry, but i am strongly considering bringing this story back! i definitely want to rewrite what i've already released, because it's probably so poorly written and very cringe, but in the mean time, here's the next part!

if you are here and still reading this book, thank you for sticking around. ily <3


y/n pov

i had put my phone on silent as george wouldn't stop ringing me. i felt so guilty about walking away - i know that i had no right too, but i have no idea what came over me.

my mind is overflowing with the same thoughts.
how can you be jealous, and so upset over someone you've known for 24 hours? how can you walk away, with no where to go? how could you be so pathetic?

i slump down on a public bench, the darkness of the night beginning to roll over the london skies.
i pull out my phone, and stare at the screen. i have no choice, i have to call him back. i held the phone up to my ear, one dial tone barely vibrating through my ear before his voice was greeting me on the other end. that sweet, angelic voice.

"y/n? oh my god, are you okay? where are you?" his voice was streaked with panic.
"hi, i'm fine. i'm in the stratford center. listen, i'm so sorry about leaving, i don't know what came over me-"

"it's okay, it's okay. can you just come back to the apartment please? i need to see you". he sounded calmer now, but his voice still tinged with a hint of sadness, that i couldn't quite understand.

"okay, i'm on my way now." i barely whispered. i was just so relieved that he didn't seem mad at me.

"wait, stay on the phone with me, just so i know you're safe" my heart fluttered at his words, eventhough i was only a short walk from the apartment building, it was nice to know that there are guys who genuinely care.

i arrived at the apartment building and he was waiting outside. he smiled when he saw me, but i felt a flood of mixed emotions suddenly overwhelming me. embarrassment that i had walked away, sadness, confusion, but overall relief...

i was home, and he was waiting for me.


we sat in the living room, and we spoke all night. he told me who the girl at the park was, a jealous ex-girlfriend from a year ago, who continuously tried contacting george and getting back together with him.
he ignored every attempt, even when she would go to extremes of "running into him" in public.

"i think you should consider a restraining order. this could get dangerous." i was genuinely worried for george's safety after hearing the many stories of her actions.

"it's okay, she would never try anything physical. it seems worse than it is" i nodded along, but was still unsure.

it fell silent for a short moment, but it felt like hours. it was awkward.
i think we both knew that we were wondering the same thing.
why did i run away.

i sighed in my seat, and he looked at me deep into my eyes.
"listen," i began slowly, "like i was trying to say earlier, i don't know what came over me."
i expected, and hoped, for him to cut me off in the middle of my sentence like he had done earlier, but he didn't. shit.

"she was being quite rude towards me, and i just didn't know how to react. i didn't want to get into conversation about it, so i just left. i'm sorry, i know i shouldn't have done that."
i told partly the truth, but deep down i knew there was another reason. i have never felt feelings for someone so quickly before, i could never admit to george that i felt jealousy over another woman, when i had known him for barely 2 days.

i looked at him, and i could've sworn my mind was playing tricks on me. a flash of disappointment on his face.

"oh, right, yeah," he stumbled a bit on his words and cleared his throat awkwardly, "no, you don't need to apologise. i'm sorry for how she treated you, i hope you're alright?"

"yeah i'm okay," i sensed that this whole interaction could cause great tension between me and george if we didn't fix this now. and i knew that's what neither of us wanted.
"i was wondering, can we just maybe forget about this? i'm glad we've spoken about it, but i won't lie, i'm very tired, and just want to go to bed." i chuckled gently.
i glanced out the window, the sunrise barely beginning to creep over the skyline of buildings.

"yeah, of course. i didn't realise how late it had gotten." thankful for his agreement, we both stood up, but didn't move. we stayed still, standing before one another, observing each others faces.
it wasn't weird, it felt oddly comfortable.

he extended his arms out towards me and i gladly accepted his offer. i leaned into his touch and wrapped my arms around his frame. it was warm and familiar, even though it was not actually familiar at all.
his hands gently rubbing my back, before we pulled away.

"goodnight, george"

"yeah. goodnight, y/n"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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