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y/n pov

"hi, i'm george."
i felt my cheeks flare up as i looked at him, he was much more attractive than i'd expected. his eyes sparkled in the sunlight, he had sharp naturally contoured cheekbones with light stubble covering them, his hair looked soft and cutely un-styled, and his lips looked plump and kissable.

i realised i'd probably been staring for too long so i quickly held my hand out for him to shake. "hey, i'm Y/N. i'm here for the apartment check."

"of course. come on in" he stood to the side and opened the door wider for me to get passed.

the size of the apartment took me by surprise. the front door opened into a long hallway, a selection of doors traveling down it, which eventually led down to what looked like the front room.

"we'll start with the bedrooms" he smiled at me and pointed to the closest door. "this is alex's room, whenever he's actually here he hardly leaves it, so he won't be in your way much"

i giggled, before following george down the hall a little. "this is our spare room which will be yours," i nodded as he opened the door for me to see inside "oh uh- only if you want to move in of course" he added quickly, a smile growing on my face at his awkwardness.

this room was very large. the king-size bed was placed next to full length windows overlooking the gorgeous city. it had fairy lights draped above the head board, and fluffy cushions placed delicately on it. there was a small walk in closet next to an ensuite bathroom which contained a deep jacuzzi bath.

i stared at it in awe. i can't even imagine what the rest of the flat looked like. "you have such a nice place here, george. if you don't mind me asking, what do you do to afford it?"

"oh," he paused slightly. "i'm an online entertainer."
sensing my confusion he added "a youtuber. i know it's kinda dumb but i'm really interested in the media side of things."

"i don't think it's dumb. it sounds really cool. what sort of videos do you make?"
"commentary. sort of just going over things i've found on the internet."

i nodded as he led me out of the bedroom and showed me to his room which was next to mine, meaning i would be inbetween the two boys.
"do you have a big following?" i questioned, looking into his bedroom which was somehow even bigger than the one he just showed me. 

"um, i have around 3 and a half million" he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
"wow, that's amazing!" i exclaimed, taken back by his 'fame'.
"does Alex make similar videos?"
"aha thanks, and yeah he does! wanna see the living room?"

we walked into the main room that the kitchen was attached to, which had an even prettier view of stratford.
"would you like something to drink?" george asked politely, pulling out the barstool for me to sit on before boiling the kettle.


we sat for a few hours, and just learned about eachother. from why i was moving to london, down to where we went to school as children.
i found out so much about him, and became completely mesmerised by the once stranger.

i may be a year younger than him, but we have so much in common. it's like we had an instant connection. our favourite tv show is black mirror, our favourite rapper is lil peep, and we have the same nandos order.
soulmates or what?

george told me a bit about alex, and showed me some of their videos, finding my reaction to his masked face hilarious.

"wait so no one knows your identity?!"
"that's right" he chuckled deeply.
he shrugged, "i just like my privacy."

i smiled widely and stared at his face. i thought he was so interesting, i had  completely lost track of time.
"oh my god!" i said jumping up and rushing to the front door.

"what is it? what's wrong?" george ran after me, panic and confusion in his eyes.
"it's nearly 7pm, i haven't even booked a hotel yet" i mentally slapped myself whilst shoving my shoes and coat back on.

george stood in silence for a second before stopping me.
"how about you stay the night? i- i mean i know you haven't made the decision to live here yet but at least it's free-"

"oh george that's really sweet but it's honestly fine. i don't want to be any trouble," i cut him off "i'll get back to you, okay?" i reached for the door handle.

"wait, please. you're not any problem. it'll be fun, i promise!
you can see what it's like to stay over night here, so you get more of a feel of the place.
and when did you last eat? i don't know about you but i'm so hungry. we can order a massive takeaway and binge black mirror, or something." he nervously stuttered.

normally he would be begging for someone to stay the night just so he wouldn't have to sleep in an empty apartment. but this was different. he genuinely didn't want y/n to leave...

i turned around and smiled at him.

"i'd love that."


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