(Tara) x Kakashi Fluff

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Tara's third POV:
Tara walked silently in the streets of Konoha calmly searching for Kakashi so she could give him his lunch which was composed of rice balls, Tara's special soy sauce, small squared beef chunks lightly salted and lightly spiced, small squared potato chunks that are also lightly salted and spiced, and finally home made strawberry mango citrus drink. This was all put in a square container with a lid on it. Tara wrapped it in a thin fabric to keep it from coming open. The drink was in an average sized cup that had a lid that was laid on top of it. The cup was like a regular cup, except it was metal and was kept cooled for six hours which resulted in it bring half frozen like slush which Kakashi enjoys. Especially on days like these were it's around eighty degrees out. Knowing that Tara was kind she brought three more cups like Kakashi's but were banana, strawberry, and cherry flavored kept in the same type of cup. These were for Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura.
Tara noticed her beloved copy ninja standing in front of a single tree talking to his students. Tara approached them with a gentle smile. "Hey guys!" Tara said aloud happily. Kakashi looked up with lit eyes while Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura turned around and looked up relieved to see Tara. Sakura and Naruto smiled while Sasuke was just glad to see Tara was there. "Tara Sensei what are you doing here?" Sakura asked curiously. Tara noticed some sweat beads slowly forming on all four of their faces. "Well I came to give Kakashi his lunch. Also since it's hot outside I decided to make all four of you some slush like drinks. I especially made Kakashi strawberry mango citrus." Tara said with a big smile as she walked over to Kakashi. She handed him his lunch and his drink which he took with a closed eyed smile. "Awwww how come Kakashi Sensei gets all the good stuff!?" Naruto whined with his eyes closed. "Naruto's right for once, why do you spoil Kakashi Sensei? We know you two been married for a long time but still!" Sakura said in agreement with what Naruto had said. Tara laughed some at them from how jealous they were. "Honestly I agree with those two. You spoil Kakashi Sensei even though he can take care of himself. I'm not saying you should do the same to us but it seems a little unfair." Sasuke said quietly with a small embarrassed look. He looked away to prevent Tara from seeing anymore of his face. This time Kakashi chuckled at their conversations. "Well there are a few reasons why I'm supposedly spoiled. One is because Tara loves me. Two Tara loves. And three Tara loves me." Kakashi said while holding up three fingers. Sakura and Naruto pouted at Kakashi and Sasuke looked at Kakashi like he was stupid or something. "Kakashi Sensei those aren't good enough reasons!" All three ninjas said in unison. Tara sweat dropped at all four of their behavior. "Guys no arguing. One actual reason why I spoil Kakashi is because I love him dearly. Also because he asks me to make him lunch and such. If you guys want something to snack on and such then tell me and I'll make them." Tara said with a loving smile while grabbing out the three cups of drinks. She handed the strawberry one to Naruto, the cherry one to Sakura, and the banana one to Sasuke which they took with both surprise and happiness. "Sasuke has banana, Sakura has cherry, and Naruto has strawberry. Now I'll be going now. Bye you four. And be good to one another." Tara pointed out as she gave Kakashi a quick peck on the cheek that was covered by his mask. She walked off waving to the four as she headed home to ponder what to make for dinner.

Kakashi's third POV:
Kakashi watched Tara walk off with a smile of content. Kakashi will always admit that he's proud to be married to Tara for the last eleven years. Knowing that he gets to wake up every morning to Tara next to him brings him much joy. At night when he lays down he's happy to have Tara cuddle into him gently. "Now you three it's lunch time. If you need me for anything then I'll be here enjoying my lunch." Kakashi said as he looked back down at his three students. All three glared at him slightly. "Hm? Why make that face at me? What did I do?" Kakashi innocently said. "Kakashi Sensei don't play with us!" All three shouted. Kakashi put his hands up in defense. He chuckled before strolling away from the fuming three. "Well I'm moving away before you three do rash things. Bye! See you at the training grounds." Kakashi said with a wave.

No One's POV:
Tara stood in her kitchen waiting patiently for the timer to go off so she could take the chocolate chip cookies out. Tara suddenly tensed up feeling arms wrap around her and a face nuzzling unto her neck. A sweet chuckle came from the one behind her which made her relax. "Kakashi you startled me." Tara said while leaning back into Kakashi's broad figure. "I could tell~ But you relaxed knowing it was me~" Kakashi cooed a little before taking his mask off and lightly littering Tara's neck with butterfly kisses. Once again Tara tensed slightly but this time she put her right arm behind her and around Kakashi's neck. "Kakashi." Tara lightly spoke. She didn't want to admit that she liked the sensation but she can't help herself. It felt too nice. "How cute ~ Enjoying my teasing already~?" Kakashi smiled against Tara's skin. "I don't know what you're talking about. Anyways I have to wait for the cookies to get done so we can't go any further." Tara said avoiding his words. Kakashi hummed a bit before taking his face away from Tara's neck and just rested his chin on her shoulder. Tara being only an inch shorter then him this was not so difficult. "Fine. Later maybe." Kakashi said with daring words. Tara sighed at his words but smiled anyways before hearing a ding go off.

This was going to be a long night for Tara. She'll enjoy it though.

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