(Tara) x Goku: Sparring! Friendship Part 1

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Note: This is not a love story this is just interactions amongst friends and every day life for Tara when she visits friends.

No One's POV:
Tara laughed as Goku was being scolded by Whis not to bite during fights and sparring matches as it's in classical or something like that. This was of course the second time he bit Whis during training. Goku will never learn so there's no point in telling him to stop or to not bite Whis. It's in one ear and out the other. "Sorry Mr. Whis! I can't help it! When I get excited I can't control myself!" Goku defended with his signature smile. "Goku just try and control yourself will you? Biting is not part of fighting anyhow." Whis sighed while trailing off. Goku slightly giggled at his own actions. At least he knows he's an idiot... "Well I supposed that's enough sparring for today. Next time no biting!" Whis scolded. Goku rubbed the back of his head with an innocent look and a goofy smile. "Ms. Tara did you enjoy yourself?" Whis suddenly asked as he walked up to Tara. She sat comfortably on a rock smiling sweetly with her legs crossed. "Of course! Though Goku's a biter." Tara cheesed at the Saiyan that sat down beside her rock resting happily. "I know. How unprofessional but even so how have you and your Hakashia's?" Whis asked with a polite smile. "We've been awesome! My youngest Hakashia just started his training two months ago now that he's at the proper age of eight to train." Tara bragged with stars in her eyes and hearts around her head.

"My that's wonderful! How strong is Lord Milo now? He was as strong as Goku I believe before he started training correct?" Whis questioned and asked curiously. "Whis! If you're going to bother Lord Tara about her Hakashia's then do it quietly! Not only that but why must you train Goku here while I'm trying to take a nap!?" A voice growled from a distance to Tara's left. All three turned their heads to see Beerus yawning and walking towards them. "I apologize Lord Beerus." Whis bowed with a sincere look. "Sorry Beerus! Just can't help it with my Hakashia's so I tend to get loud ya know? If you also wanna know how their doing I can tell ya! Especially Milo since he started training two months ago." Tara excitedly said but tried to contain her excitement. Beerus sighed before plopping down in front of Tara. Goku smiled before sitting up straighter to look at Tara. "Why not. I'm already awake and if I were to refuse you'd probably wipe me out of existence. Or threaten me." Beerus said while sweat dropping. "Nonsense! I wouldn't those two things. Remember I give all Deities including Angels and such more chances. Plus I haven't wiped any Deities or any higher ups out yet. Remember I'm fair but also too lenient." Tara snickered knowing she's right. "You're right about that. But didn't you mention that your youngest Hakashia started training not too long ago?" Beerus asked. He too was curious. "Yes. As Whis asked he was on par with someone's strength. But it isn't Goku's strength. I won't tell you who he is rivaled with but you guys already know my lost Hakashia's are already very strong without training. Before training Milo was on par with the angels from here. Specifically Grand Priest." Tara explained. Whis and Beerus looked unimpressed since they know how truly powerful and dangerous her Hakashia's are. They don't know from experience but they know from Tara, Grand Priest, and the Omni-King. Even the youngest and most inexperience Hakashia is very strong. Too strong which is terrifying.

"Woah! He's that strong!? How strong is he now!? Can I fight him!? Please!" Goku interjected. Both Whis and Beerus immediately glared at Goku with sweatdrops. "You want to fight Milo?" Tara asked with a curious tilt of her head. Goku nodded happily. "Sure why not!" Tara happily said. Whis and Beerus looked as if they lost their souls completely. Their faces contorted to complete shock. "YES!" Goku chimed while fist bumping the air. "But not now. He's currently resting for a few days from how exhausted he is." Tara said with a smile. Goku smiled back. "I'll wait as long as I get to fight him!" Goku said with excitement.

Next time Goku and Milo get to spar. Next time meaning next week.

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