=> Help her as clubmates (Begin Naomi Arc)

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You take a nearby seat and ponder for a moment. "Naomi, are we still clubmates?"

"I don't know. I understand if you don't wish to be here anymore."

You tap your fingers on the table. "Can we still be clubmates?"

Her head lowers. "Okay. Sure, Lee."

You smile as you lay your head on the table.

The two of you stay in silence for a moment.

Naomi finally breaks the ice by slapping herself with her oar. "That's right, we're a club. I've been running away for these past weeks, but I can't simply leave my clubmate alone."

She turns around--her cape following in the wind and her eyes looking serious, piercing through her usual blank expression. "Get up, Lee. We're doing some club work."

Your eyes light up as you quickly jump out of your seat. "Yay! What are we cooking?!"

"I don't know..." She taps her oar on the ground twice, causing the table to be filled with jars of ingredients, "...but we're gonna try everything. We have 12 unique ingredients to work with right now, which means we have about twelve-factorial combinations, so about...480 million different recipes."

Your mouth is agape. "Did you do all that in your head?"

"Yes. But mathematics is second nature in my line of work."

"Wow. You're really smart."

She nudges you to the jars. "Thanks. And you're very honest, which is quite refreshing. Now get cooking."

You nod as you quickly reach for the orange-ish--

Naomi smacks your hand and moves that jar to the side. "We have 11 ingredients to work with. Pineapple is dead to me."

You nod slowly and reach for another jar.


"Okay," Naomi begins as she writes down something on a notebook, "that's a big no to the lavender, fridge magnets, and peeled poker chips. How about you Lee?--"

Her eyes widen as she quickly runs over to you.

"Let's see what rosemary and pepper--" you get tackled down by Naomi just before the pot explodes with green.

She pants. "That was...rosemary and gunpowder. Which, apparently, makes for good steak seasoning, according to my uncle."

She exhales and collapses on top of your chest, grabbing her hat back from you and setting it on her face. "Let's rest for a moment. This is far more exhausting than I thought."

You're not sure where you put your hands, so you keep it straight on your sides.

The two of you lie there for a bit; her warmth and weight feels oddly comforting on you.

"Hey Naomi," you ask, "you said your magic never seems to turn out right, right? Why don't you just, I dunno, not do magic then? Nobody gets hurt then, right?"

She gets up and puts her hat back on. "I have to keep trying, Lee. My bloodline has wrongs that must be atoned. And my suffering will pass on to my descendants, too." She walks over to the jars and picks out a handful at random. "I don't want them to hate magic. I think it has the potential to change the world."

The bell rings.

Naomi looks out the window, squinting. "We'll have to pick this up tomorrow; it's getting late." She waves her oar around, causing the pots and the jars to disappear. "Do you have transportation home?"

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