=> Have her stay the night

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"I could ask my mom if you could stay over," you offer.

"I, uh, don't know if that's a good idea. I feel like things have been getting bad enough from me talking to you. Talking to your mom...my mom? It'll probably get worse."

"What's your plan, then?"

She puts a finger on her chin. "I. Have no idea. Fuck it, I'll take your offer then."


The two of you walk towards a somewhat shabby apartment complex. Which, of course, is your residence.

"Y'know, this is the same path I take home too, but it feels nice having someone to walk with," Leah says as she shares the sidewalk with you.

"Yeah, I feel the same!"

After a bit, you're both right at the doorstep.

Leah stares at the doormat. "Things really aren't that different. Does the mat still say 'Hi, I'm Mat'?"

"Yep! It's just not a home without Mat!"

The two of you step on the mat together. "Sorry, Mat," you say in unison.

With the turn of your key, you both enter.

The first thing you see is your mom sprawled on the couch, resting.

"Hey sweetie," she says tiredly, "couldn't make lunch today, sorry. Just heat something up." She slowly sits up. "How'd the dance go?--"

Leah meekly pops out from behind you. "Pardon me, ma'am."

Mom puts a hand to her mouth in surprise. "Oh my! It went REALLY well, huh?"

You put your hand behind your neck. "I've never brought anyone over before. So I'm not really sure what one says for this, usually."

Leah hides back behind you, trying not to look at your mom. "I've never been over at someone's place either."

Mom giggles. "You two are just adorable. What's your name, sweetie? Are you here to play with Lee?"

She puts a hand behind her neck, still refusing eye contact. "I'm, um, I'm Leah. My home is, uh, currently unavailable, so we were wondering if I could stay for a while."

"Oh, of course sweetie! Stay as long as you need, okay? Just as long as your parents don't get worried." She then gets up from the couch and stretches. "Y'know what, I think I'll make some lunch for you guys after all!"

Leah whispers in your ear, "Is your mom always this nice?"

"Yeah!! She's the best!"

"Damn straight," Mom says with a grin as she walks over to the kitchen and lights up the stove. "Lunch will be ready shortly. Leah, sweetie, we only have two rooms and mine's full of junk. So you'll have to take the couch for now or stay with Lee."

She glances at you. "I'll just stay in my r--, er, Lee's room."

The two of you head in there, where she gets to see all your stuff. Which is not a lot; just a mattress in the middle, a dresser in the corner with some sketchbooks on top, and a lamp in the opposite corner.

Immediately, the two of you set your bags down at the same time and jump on the mattress in unison, back-first.

She stares at the ceiling in awe. "Everything's the same." She looks to the dresser and grabs one of your sketchbooks, flipping through it. "Even the drawings are the same." She puts it back and grabs another one. "Oh. This one's different. This page's supposed to be a self portrait," she says as she flashes the page to you.

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