Chapter 17

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The Next Day.

Tobias and I have the next day off before training. As a leader, we decided that the initiates should have a chance to explore the compound, before they start training.

I'm sitting on the couch. I'm watching my all time favorite movie, Cars. It's really old, (it's the future) but I love it.

I remember when Uriah came running to our apartment 3 months ago, screaming "TRIS!!! TRIS!!! I JUST FOUND THE GREATEST MOVIE IN DAUNTLESS HISTORY! YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT OR YOULL BE A PANSYCAKE FOR LIFE!" He slid it through our mail slot, and left. "Thanks!" I yelled after him, and here I am watching it.

The kids are asleep, and Tobias is at the store. He said that he had "stuff to do".

Tobias POV

I told Tris that I had some "stuff to do". Right now, I'm walking into Christina's apartment, because I wanted ideas on how I could do something special for her.

I knock on the door and Will answers. "Hey." He says. I reply with "Hey."

Christina comes walking into the living room with a box full of Hot Wings and the TV remote. "Will, Honey. Who's at the door?" She asks, innocently. "It's Four." He says "Okay. What does he want?" She asks. "He wants to talk to you about Tris." he says.

At this, she shoots up. "What's wrong? Is she sick?" She asks. "No and no. I just wanted to plan something special for her, since she has been so busy." I say. Chris nods her head.

3 hours later.


Tris has gotten really into Candor or Dauntless. We are going to get her dressed, and instead of Candor or Dauntless, Tris will get a dinner out with me.

3 hours later.


Chris said that we are having a Candor or Dauntless Party, but that we are going. To be putting layers on. Weird. So I am wearing a dress, and some wedges.

We were going to Uriah's place, but instead we are in some restaurant. Wait, there's Tobias! He planned this. I smile at him, and run into his arms. I smile, and kiss him.

We finished our night out, and came home. We watched some movie called The Maze Runner, and we were really into it. "No one survives in the maze after dark." It said.

We concluded the night by singing, and playing with the kids. Tobias got thrown up on. I got play doh shoved in my face.

The kids fell asleep in our bed, so we carry them into their rooms, and go to bed.

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