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Song: Japanese Trap Beat - Gyangu

The pack of wolves trailed Koizumi into a private quarter while another geisha dropped over summoned by the other who allowed the rest of them to adjust with their seating position. Just then, a bunch of women surreptitiously peek inside the room to view at the men who either wave or ignored them.

"Please forgive them," Koizumi bowed at the group. "It's not often good-looking men visit us."

"Invite them to join us," Harada chuckles at the same time folds both arm over his chest.

"It will be a distraction," Toshizou spoke to garner looks from three of the men.

Haruka was situated in the middle of Hajime and Ryouma while Shinpachi, Harada, and Toshizou sat opposite of them. Just then, a line of geisha breezes in carrying meal platter on trays as they paused in front of them before kneeling in unison and putting out scrumptious feast just then, Haruka gripped the wrist of her attendee to keep from pouring saké into her cup announcing that she would help herself. The young girl at first became a little flustered but Koizumi gave the permission to leave the gangster alone.

The only sounds emitting from the group were masculine appreciation clicking of cutleries and sloshing of more alcohol. The women admired the men unabashedly whereas Haruka was glad that nobody bothered to intervene with her. Finally, the geisha ladies were able to clear away the empty plates when Koizumi chose to settle beside Haruka who quietly sipped on her saké waiting for the right moment, to begin with, the discussion. 

"How did you know I am here?" Koizumi enquired with inquisitive.

"We hunted you down," Haruka looks at her dead in the eyes.

"It must be a serious matter to go to such length," the prostitute conveyed.

"Why were you sent here?" she proceeded to pour the bitter liquid onto her cup.

"I just thought this must be a perfect place for myself to settle down," she smiled coyly. "What about yourself, Haruka?"

"I am not here to discuss myself," Haruka ignored the other captains who chatted amicably with the rest.

"Then what do you wish to discuss?" the other seemed to get the gist of their conversation.

"There were several incidents that occurred led me to visit Koizumi," the ronin began in a quiet voice. "I am looking for answers."

"Wait," the woman interrupts glancing at the several geisha ordering them to play music. "Our walls have ears, Haruka, your presence is not welcomed in this town."

"Why?" Ryouma enquired.

They created a circular human chain at the background someone sang in a melodious voice in tune with the koto and shamisen. Just then, Haruka was beginning to discern the circumstances why the women were behaving in a hush-hush mannerism.

"Rumours can spread as quickly as fire on dry grassland," Koizumi carefully looked at each of them. "The Amanozako is climbing the ladder to dominate your tattoos have announced to the rest of them. Also, we are ruled by a small group to which they feel territorial."

"What does this information has to do with our current matter?" Shinpachi inquired a little on the nose.

"You know the rules to this game, Haruka," Koizumi never wavered her gaze.

"You want our help," she stared at the other unflinchingly. "You know, Raiku had a good reason to kick your ass out of the brothel at Yoshiwara."

"Oi, Koizumi, don't fuck with us," Ryouma snarled.

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