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Music: Conquer-Cherney & INF1N1TE

The noisy patter of footsteps on the dry ground echoes; grunts, curses, frantic eyes gazing at their behind. A night to kill on cue, Haruka ran for her life into the town her dirty blonde mane was plastered to her perspiring skull just as men chased after the rogue female.

Earlier, Haruka and Ryouma managed to confront the bastards teeming in the darkened forest. Their motivation was to corral the Shinsengumi unaware an audience mingled when the enraged girl made an announcement.

In the meantime, Haruka lost track of the monk who skedaddles in panicked fright losing sight of him. They were in the middle of a trap eventually more tattooed had surfaced catching them off guard as for now, she races for the city.

"Come back you coward!" one of her chasers roared.

Haruka gritted her teeth from the pain meanwhile, the sword changed in its scabbard. Finally, humans were visible whereas the gangster collided with the rest of the screaming folks bouncing from impact. But she had to stay alive because Haruka finally found the clue as to the reason behind the continual battle against the Police Force.

In hopes to catch a glimpse of either one of the men, as for now, the yakuza had no choice but to follow their screw up plan. Haruka realizes the fact that she had to fight, figuring out this was a perfect possibility to gain the attention of the local departments.

"ARGH!" Haruka shrieked at the same time pulling out the weapon.

One outstretched leg as the other bend forth a little to slice her sharp blade at the back, she monitored a display of a mixture of startling emotions as blood and flesh flung midair. Eyes connected, Haruka bunched her jaw and flickered fiery green orbs at the others gazing at them. Their first comrade had fallen before stupor stares flicked at the man gasping for air while holding onto the front of his gut.

More cries course through the crowd after a moment of stunt silence, a wave of human bodies rushed back and forth avoiding the catastrophe giving Haruka an open opportunity to blend one with the stampede of footwork. By then, alarms were raised about a bunch of rogue samurais creating a commotion but she won't rest in peace, not yet, the runaway priest for at the forefront of her mind.

Away from the midst of chaos, Haruka quietly peered from the shadowy depth between the rows of the building watching as officials quickly got into the work of keeping an orderly. In the meantime, she was able to memorize the incident back at the forest a deep frown nestles between the brow because of the awkward team; a monk, a man from the high order who limped and a bunch of ragtag yakuza.

The word "Shinsengumi" and "Toshizo Hijikata" passed the said person's mouth several times making sure to point out his revengeful plan but why the priest amongst them?

Haruka pressed a hand on the side when she leaned her body heavily against the cold structure a flitting thought about Ryouma's whereabout but she had no time to waste and decided to hunt down the rest of them. After taking a couple of steps, the girl halted to peer over a shoulder just as loud voices raised in a sign of rebel the yakuza openly declaring a war against the officials finally, Haruka put two and two together with the fearless group.

Fuck, Haruka cussed internally.

A swarm of men in uniform walked in front of her blocking the pathway that led further within the alley. Their fierce stares targetted her, meanwhile, the female decided to play the hapless victim by raising both hands in the air.

"I'm one of the locals," Haruka spoke in hopes they took the bait.

"Try again, punk," the commander with a change accompanied by a drawn sword spat.

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