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Song: Hosu - Japanese Trap

The early morning sun glimmers above, a gaggle of people busily loitered on the ground. Haruka and the rest of the men packed up their belongings to leave the village whereas surrounded by folks. In silence, the female rogue watched from the sideline as Harada and Shinpachi made the situation lighter with their usual antic in the meantime, Toshizo was deep in conversation with Koizumi perhaps, about the said destination.

"Ane-san*!" a small giggly voice caught her attention.

Jaded-green orbs came to rest on a dark head, a youngling approached shyly coupled by a group of children. The child at front line gingerly raised up a chubby hand in her grasped, a flower. Neither one made a move, yet, the small being patiently gazed up at Haruka who had looked away.

"Won't you take it?" a baritone voice chimed in.

Without glancing at the newcomer, she figured he was none other than Hajime, who observed at her in an unreadable expression except for the fact that his eyes were alighted with mirth. Haruka pretended not to notice the bunch of children but they took comfort beside her.

"Ane-san, you're so cool," a timid girl spoke from the crowd in an awestruck voice. "I want to be just like you."

Somehow, this odd scene reminded her of the past when a little Haruka would tag alongside the females from the red-light district. Their patience; caring nature and generous behaviour once gave the orphan hope in life but it was dashed in an instant when everything was blown to hell.

In a slow and unsteady pace, Haruka reached out; palm upward, her tapered fingers wrapped in an unwashed white gauze now covered in mild dust and sweat. She regarded in quietness as stubby fingers slid over her own as if to capture it, the child holding onto the crumpled flower places it on the flat surface.

The gangster flickered her hooded eyes to spy a toothy grin of a young girl just as the little one withdraws from her side leaving the other to inspect the pathetic vine. But it flutters away into the distance when a strong draft blew whereas their attire dances along.

"You okay?" Hajime stepped forward is concerned.

The once roguish being bores a hole into her empty palm when she shifted that enigmatic gaze towards a calming cobalt-shade orbs. Just then, they overheard neighing nearby belonging to a team of horses with their owners.

"Our transport has arrived," Ryouma stepped away to allow the creatures to pass by.

"Please, accept our help to guide all of you to the location," Koizumi steps forth with a raised hand. "Kanazawa resides further ahead, if you take the horses it won't take up much time."

"My son and I will join in the traverse until the outskirt of that town before leaving with our mares," he bowed with a smile.

"It is an offer I shall not refuse," the vice commander nodded once.

Haruka moves forward, she chose a brown mare with white socks when someone tugged onto her haori sleeve. She found a pair of anxious eyes staring at her; Koizumi gnawed at her bottom lip.

"Haruka, be safe," she whispers in a soft voice.

"I cannot promise you," Haruka's tone was low.

"These people, they are dangerous," Koizumi frowned, at the same time she took a step back.

"They chose to meddle with me when my men dropped dead in front of my eyes," Haruka whispers sternly.

"Ready, Haruka?" Harada sat on the horse.

The Disgraced Blossom- A Hakuouki Fan Fiction Where stories live. Discover now