Chapter 1

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The sun blinded many eyes, the eyes of many who couldn't afford an umbrella for the sun. Though, walking down the street was a lady with class, a lady who walks with confidence knowing everyone is watching her. A lady who owns an RS150 Scorched Walnut Solid umbrella which screams rich. Her white dress with blue flowers glowed, just like her skin. Her name...

Jessic Woodard. You might not know Jessic Woodard but many, and I say many, know who she is. Her fashion is to die for, many have asked for tips, but all have been ignored. Jessic is a quiet and smart lady that knows her rights. Though right now, Jessic is heading to her favorite diner, Lunchies Bunch Diner. Where their ice tea is the best on the hot day she was having. 

The floor, checker black and white, the seats and stools are a bright cherry red. everything was old as it could be. Jessic walks inside and as soon as she walks in, all eyes on her. With that, it only feeds her ego. She sat down at the bar stool and picked up a menu to look through.

A fine gentleman was behind the bar. Dirty-blonde with glasses, around six-one with a mighty lean. His name, Liam Blackwood. Though he looks to be normal, looks are not to be messed with. You don't know who would be a Mafia's secretary...

Back to Jessic. Liam walked up to her with a wide grin, but not too friendly, knowing who Jessic Woodard really is. "It's a mighty fine day, am I right Ms.Woodard" Liam spoke with a friendly diameter.  Jessic smiled, "Why yes it is, I'm just glad I brought my umbrella. I can't have the sun burning my fair skin. I'll turn red like a bright fresh tomato" she exclaims just fanning her self just at the thought.

A Light chuckle escapes Liam as he takes his notepad out, "What would it be this time?" "Raspberry ice tea as usual, and also some eggs too please," she said, sliding her menu towards Liam. Indicating for him to leave and end the conversation. He gets the message and takes the menu and leaves towards the kitchen. 


Jessic leaves the diner after eating. Back at the bar, Liam sighs, Jessic doesn't know who he is. She always thought he was one of the admirers who watches from afar. Though she is sadly mistaken. That is his job, his job to watch over. Told to him by his boss.

Liam sees another Lady at a table who is looking around, he hurries over. Once over to the lady he hands her a menu and takes out his note pad. The lady looks through the menu and then sets it down. Liam was taken back by how well the lady looks; a flower clip holding some of her brown hair back, a polka-dot-blue dress, cherry lips, and fair pale skin. Her name...

Lucy Golden. A lady of secrets and surprisingly stunning for her age. Liam catches himself staring and begins to talk, "It's a mighty fine day outside, am I right Ms?" she smiles and nods back. "It really is, a day for flowers and spring. Though I heard a rumor" Lucy hums in delight of the new information had gathered, excited to tell someone. Even if it's a "useless" waiter or just a speck of dust in her path, she had to tell someone. Liam leans in a little closer, being information- gatherer, he has to catch any information he can grasp upon. "I heard that Ms. Fiddy, that works at the flower shop, has cheated on her husband. Sounds like great blackmailing use" Liam stares at the lady before him. He could not believe a lady of herself is a gossiper.

"Why indeed it is, though why tell me such valuable information?" Liam asks, his guard is fully up. He reminds himself, that anyone to gives information has a motive behind it. He just found out the lady's motive. "Well, Mr. Blackwood, I know that Ms. Fiddy gives you a hard time. So I'm sure you'll use the precious information a gave you. Take it as a 'revenge gift'" Liam was stun but kept his face stern and rock-hard-serious.

"If I may ask, how do you know about my troubles with Ms. Fiddy" Liam demands, his friendly face gone, now replaced with a bit of rage and confusion. "Gossip my dear, gossip is the key" is all that Lucy says as she stands up, pats Liam's shoulder, and walks past him, leaving the diner. Liam was baffled by everything, this would be information to give to his boss when he turns in.


Hope you like my new book "Mafia Scandal".

It's base on my friend's outfits from formal. Yes, I had my formal. Hope you liked my reading!!!

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