Part 1 - This Is The End!

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"I hate you Jay!"

"Well that's good Emma because I hate you too..."

"It's over between us. I never want to see you again!"

"You always say that; then two days later you come running back saying how much you love me and apologising to me!"

"Well, that's not happening this time. It really is over, I've had enough of the lies, the arguments and most importantly; I've had enough of you!"

"I know you'll come running back, you always do and this time will be no different!"

"See Jay, even after three years together you still don't know everything about me. Goodbye Jay, I hope you have a nice life..."


I should probably start from the beginning so this makes to sense to you all. You see, my name's Emma and I have the world's hottest boyfriend - Jay McGuiness. His wild curly hair, stunning blue eyes and gorgeous body...he was a boyfriend to die for. We'd been together for about three years and everything was perfect, but then he got into this boyband called The Wanted and everything between us started changing.

He started cheating on me with strangers, I mean he would even bring them back to the flat and sleep with them in our bed. We'd always argue about it, I'd tell him it was over but then after a couple of days I'd always go running back to him because I loved him too much and I never wanted to lose him but now I'd just had enough. How could I love someone that did nothing but cheat on me? - I mean, I can't really say anything about cheating considering I did cheat on Jay with Nathan. He was the baby of the band but he was irresistable and I only did it to get revenge on Jay, but he just hated me. He never understood how much he hurt me when he slept with all these other girls so I tried to show him how it felt but it just backfired on me. Nathan soon worked out I was only using him to make Jay jealous and stopped sleeping with me - that kinda made things awkard between us for a while but then we got over that and went back to being friends. We just avoid talking about that part of our life.

But it wasn't always like this between me and Jay. It used to be amazing and we used to be happy. Let me take you right back to the start of our relationship so you get an idea of the good things that did happen before it all went wrong...

I Was Lost, Til I Found You! [Jay McGuiness]Where stories live. Discover now