Part 3 - The First Date..

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It was about 11.45pm when I looked out of the window to see Jay standing there with a massive smile on his face. I looked around to make sure Lisa wasn't in the room before I waved quickly at him and returned the smile that he was giving me.

I had to finish my job before I could leave and spend more time with Jay though. Knowing Lisa, she'll find something I haven't done properly and make me do it again. She always does that and that's one of the main reasons I hate her, but like I've already said, I needed the job in order to keep my flat. The last customers had just left and I was clearing their tables off when Lisa walked out of her office.

"Right guys, I'm sorry to tell you this but as of next week, we'll be making five of you redundant. We'll be losing three waiters and two kitchen staff as we've got too many and I've been told I have to get rid off you..."

"Why can't you change the rotas so we can all work at different times then?" Sarah asked. She worked in the kitchen, she had short blonde hair with red highlights - not the best combination of colours if you ask me, but I'm not going to make a comment.

"Because we can't and if you want to know who's only got two more weeks' left working here...then we can tell you now!" Lisa said, sounding pretty happy with the fact she could hold this against us.

"Yes, please tell us who is going to be left jobless...I can't contain my excitment for this one!" John replied sarcastically. He was about 20, worked in the ktichen and lived in the same block of flats as me. We would often walk to and from work together, he was a very nice guy and fairly attractive. But he wasn't my sort of guy.

"Well, the two kitchen satff we'll be losing are Sandra and Sarah..."

"I'll take voluntary redundancy. You can pay me and then I'll leave now!" Sarah said. She sounded pretty angry at the fact she was one of the people losing her job.

"And the three waiters we're going to be losing are Kathrine, Paul and Emma!"

"WHAT?!" I replied. I was stunned when she said my name. I did more work than any of the others and this is how I get thanked for that? Katherine and Paul hardly ever turn up for work anyway, so I doubt they'll really care, but the thing that makes this worse, is the fact Lisa knew how much I needed this job.

"Sorry Emma, but tonight you have been distracted. At least if you're not working, then you can spend more time with that guy you met today..." Lisa replied, not even caring about what she had just done.

"You know what...stuff your job. I'll take voluntary redundancy as well. I'll expect a cheque in the post for at least £3,000!" and with that, I threw my apron on the floor and stormed out of the restaurant. Well, that's one less job I've got to worry about.

"Are you alright Em?" Jay asked me, that friendly smile almost drawn on his face as he asked.

"Well, I just lost my job which means I'm not going to be making enough money to cover the cost of my flat...yeah, I'm great!" I said back to him. Not realising just how sarcastic I was actually being to him. It wasn't his fault that I lost the better paid job. I'll just have go looking in the newspaper tomorrow...

"I'm sorry..." he replied. It's not like it was his fault, he was just a paying customer in the restaurant and I was the one who walked into him with the tray of drinks. I've only got myself to blame for this.

"Don't be sorry, it wasn't your fault. Anyway, I don't want to talk about that job...I want to get to know you better!" I smiled at him. And he started telling me a bit about himself.

"Well, my name's Jay and I'm 18 almost 19. I've got a twin brother called Tom, have a thing for brown eyes - I just think they're beautiful and I have a pretty good relationship with all my family. And what about you?" he smiled at me as we took a seat on a park bench.

"Weel, my name's Emma but I prefer to be called Em. I turned 18 two weeks ago, have an older sister called Jenni and a brother called Max, have a thing for blue eyes - they're just gorgeous. Me and my mum hate each other and my dad died when I was 15. Well they weren't my real family since I ran away from home at 15, but my dad loved me!" I replied, trying to put a smile on but it wasn't working. It just all hit me so suddenly and then the thought of people who actually got along with their mum was too much to take in.

"Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. But I'm sure he'd be very proud of you, living your life so don't let the negative stuff get you down!" he smiled kindly at me, putting his arms out offering a hug. Which I accepted and put my arms around him at the same time. I was just sat there for about fifteen minutes, in the safety of his arms. I had my head against his chest and could hear the gentle beating of his heart. This helped to calm me down and made me feel relaxed. I didn't want to leave but then I saw the time and remembered I was working the early shift at Primark the following morning.

"Look Jay, I need to get home. I gotta be up early so I can go to work..." I said as I pulled myself from his chest and looked into his eyes.

"I'll walk you home then, don't want you walking home at this time on your own!" he replied. He was such a gentlemen, so sweet and he made me feel like someone actually appreciated me for once. We walked the rest of the way through the park, as this took about half hour off my journey back to the flat. We walked the rest of the way in silence. The only thing that really happened was the odd exchange on smiles, although I could feel his finger tips brushing against mine. I don't think he realised how close he was walking to me, but I wasn't going to complain. He was one the better guys to walk into my life.

When we arrived at the block of flats which I called home, Jay just looked at me and then said,

"Are you being serious? You really live here?"

" that a bad thing or something?" I replied, not sure if I was going to like his reply.

"No! It's just that I live her too, how come I've never seen you?" he questioned me, sounding pretty happy about what he had just found out.

"I live on the second floor, where do you live?"

"I'm right at the top..." he replied as he looked up the building which was towering over us. It was about ten storeys high, with six flats on each floor but they were pretty big flats. They each had two bedrooms, a balcony, a well-sized kitchen and the living room space that we each got was just stupid. But I wasn't complaining, I enjoyed having such a big space to myself.

"Well, that probably explains why you've never seen me before!" I giggled lightly at him as I pulled my keys out of my bag. You had a set of keys to get into the door at the bottom and then obviously you had the key to your own flat. I saw Jay rumaging around in his pocket, I just assumed he was trying to find his keys. He wasn't having much luck though.

"I appear to have lost my keys..." he muttered.

"Well, I can let you into the bottom door but I can't help you with your flat!" I laughed as I looked up to see him looking at me.

"It's fine, Tom should be home by now. If he's not asleep then he'll let me in!"

"And if he is asleep?"

"I'll still make him let me in!" he replied with a slight laugh. I opened the door and smiled at Jay as I held it open for him.

"Well, I guess I'll be seeing you soon then..."

"How about tomorrow? Since you don't have that job anymore, maybe I can take you out for dinner?" he said, as he slowly got quieter towards the end of the sentence.

"I'd love to go out for dinner with you...I finish work at two though, if you wanna meet up earlier?"

"How about you text me when you're finished and I'll text you my flat number. You can come up and meet Tom if you want? I think you two will get on well..."

"That sounds like a good idea to me. I'll see you tomorrow then!" I smiled at him.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" he replied and walked off in the opposite direction. I watched him walk a few steps before I turned around and walked in the direction I needed to go in. I noticed in the reflection of the glass that Jay had now stopped and was watching me walk away. Guess he must have liked what he was seeing.


She was beautiful. I just had to see her again, I had to make her mine. By the end of this month, she will be mine. Mark my words on that one...

I Was Lost, Til I Found You! [Jay McGuiness]Where stories live. Discover now