Part 8 - Jay does it again!

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So, Jay promised me he would never cheat on me again. I forgave him. I mean, I know he hurt me but I loved him so much that I didn't want to lose him.

I found out a couple of weeks ago that the person who posted the letter was Max George. He was one of Jay's band mates and thought it was better that I knew before he did it again. I've met them all a couple of times since that happened they all tell me I'm stupid for giving him another chance because he's just going to do it again. I thought they were all wrong, but they were right. I remember the night just like it was yesterday...

Jay was going on a night out with the other four boys from the band. I don't really remember their names, having only met them three or four times in the whole year he has been part of the band. I was shocked when he asked me to come with him.

"Babe, do you wanna come out with me and the boys tonight? I think you should come on a proper night out with us all..." he smiled at me.

"What? You really want me, some ordinary girl that works in Primark, to come out with you, hottest boyband in the UK right now?"

"Your my girlfriend, I don't care how ordinary you are! I love you for who you are babe!"

"Maybe you should start treating me like your girlfriend then instead of forgetting about me all the time!" I replied, realising I was just starting an argument for no reason. That happened a lot these days but I've just had enough of Jay thinking he can disappear for two months and then walk back, expecting everything to be the same.

"I've been busy with the band, you know how important this is to me. Afterall, you are the one that encouraged me to do this so maybe all the problems bewteen us are your fault?"

"I know the band is important, but you promised me nothing would change between us; but everything has changed. I don't even know if I love you anymore Jay so maybe you're right, maybe all the problems are my fault and maybe it would be better if you just left me..." I said and then walked off to the bedroom. Closing the door behind me, sliding down it letting the tears roll down my cheek. I could hear Jay knocking on the door, trying to get in but I wasn't moving.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that. This is my fault and you're right, I should treat you more like my girlfriend instead of messing with your head. I really do love you and I do want you, the ordinary girl I fell in love with, to come out with me and the boys, the hottest boyband in the UK right now!" I opened the door and looked into his eyes - those gorgeous blue eyes which always made my problems disappear. He pulled me in close to his chest and whispered, "I really do love you Em. I loved you before I was famous and I still love you even now I am famous!"

"I'm sorry, I love you too Jay and I would love to come out with you all tonight. I mean, it would be nice to see them all again!" I laughed as we walked into the living room and cuddled up together on the sofa. I guess I was just missing him so much, I was getting all my anger out of my system.


I decided I was going to wear a fitted purple dress, that stopped just above my knee. It only had one strap but I liked it and it was Jay's favourite dress. Tonight I was going to remind him what he was missing out on by not being here anymore. I stepped out of the bedroom and there, in the living room was Jay with four other guys.

"WOW! You look stunning babe!" he smiled at me, walking over and kissing me passionately on the lips. I loved it when he did that because he hardly ever did it anymore.

I Was Lost, Til I Found You! [Jay McGuiness]Where stories live. Discover now