Part 6 - All Time Low.

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So, it's been over seven months now since Jay got into The Wanted and their first track, All Time Low, recently got to number one. They're all going out tonght to celebrate. I wasn't invited, but that isn't much surprise. I haven't seen Jay properly for nearly three months now. He rings and texts occassionally but that's about all I get these days. I understand that he's busy, but what have I done to deserve to be treated like this? Sometimes I wonder why I've stuck by him for this long...all he does is treat me like I mean nothing. But I suppose when you really love someone, you put up with everything that they put you through. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and took it out to see that it was Jay - first time he's text me in over three weeks. Surprised he actually remembers who I am;

From Jay:

Hey babe, sorry I haven't seen you much but been busy with the band:( miss you loads and I promise I'll see you tomorrow. Love you:)xxxx

I read the message a couple of times before replying, but I didn't know what to reply with anymore. Every time he text me, he said the same thing. He apologised, told me he missed me, made a promise which I knew he would break and then he told me he loved me. I don't know why I didn't just say something to him and tell him what I was feeling. I suppose there was no point, he would never listen or pay attention. I'm just used to this now. I was the one who encouraged him to do it so I guess I have to deal with the consequences of that.

To Jay:

It's alright, I understand how important the band is to you so just do what makes you happy. I'm always proud of you:') miss you too and are you going to keep that promise this time hehe;) have fun with the boys, have one on me and I love you too:)xxxx

So, maybe I was making things worse for myself by not asking him to come home. But I wasn't going to make him do that. He obviously wanted to spend more time with them than he did with me. If I'm being honest, nothing Jay does surprises me anymore. He's done it all to me...apart from cheat on me. That hasn't happened yet and I hope it never does!

I forgot that I had my phone in my hand so when it vibrated it made me jump slightly. I read the message;

From Jay:

But I'm not happy knowing I'm forgetting about you:( I always keep my promises thankyou very much hehe;) I won't have fun with the your front door to find out why I won't;)xxxx

To Jay:

Well, that's something we'll have to work on but if you have to forget about me and move on:( no you don't you liar hehe;) I'll open the door in a minute, I'm kinda busy right now;)xxxx

I wasn't busy. I was just watching TV in the bedroom and couldn't be bothered to move; I'd only just got comfy when my phone vibrated again;

From Jay:

Open the front door now...some of us haven't got all day!;)xxxx

Wait? What? Jay was here. He remembered where I lived. I jumped off the bed and ran to the front door quicker than I've ever run in my life. I flung the door open and there he was, just stood there. His hair blowing in the wind, he smile almost drawn on his face and his eyes glistening against the red sky.

"JAY!" I shouted at him, throwing my arms around his neck and he spun me around with happiness.

"I missed you so much babe!" he smiled at me, placing me back down on the floor. His arms slowly made their way around my waist and mine stayed around his neck as he pulled me closer to him. There was no space between us, he moved his lips towards mine and when they finally hit; it felt like fireworks were going off. Yeah, it had been a while since he'd kissed me.

"How long are you back for this time before you go off again?" I asked sadly as the realisation hit me. I wouldn't be able to spend too much time with him before he was back off doing stuff with the band again...why did I have to come back to reality? I was enjoying my dream world. The world where I got to see Jay everyday. The world where I got to kiss my boyfriend without people looking at us. The world where I was happy and not left feeling used all the time.

"I really am sorry. You have no idea how much it hurts not seeing you..." he replied as we walked inside, he closed the door behind him before sitting down on the sofa. He patted the empty seat next to him as I slowly sat down on the edge. Leaving a slight gap between us two.

"You have a phone...or have you forgotten how to ring me?" I asked, trying to hold the tears back. Sure, I was over the moon to see him but I needed to answers.

"I am so sorry. It's just that I've been so busy with everything, I guess I just forgot about you and never really thought about how this whole situation was making you feel." he replied as he moved closer, filling the gap that was in the middle of us.

"Thanks Jay. We've been together for over a year and you just forgot about me, that's always good to know..." I said really sarcastically.

"I didn't mean it like that, I just meant-"

"What did you mean? I'm not good enough for you now you're in a band?" I shouted at him, the tears now rolling down my cheeks. I didn't meant to shout at him, I was just so annoyed and upset with him. He pulled me into his chest, it felt good to be in his arms again. To have him wiping my tears away. To hear his voice...but again, I knew it would only last for so long.

"I know you're annoyed with me and you have every right to be. I know I should have called or text you before now and I really am sorry. I love you so much and I hate knowing I'm making you feel like this..." he whispered as he kissed the top of my head.

"Well, when are you disappearing again?" I asked, looking up to him with tears still slowly falling from my eyes.

"You're stuck with me for a whole week now; including tonight..." he replied with a smile on hias face.

"Are you being serious?"

"Yes babe, I'm being serious. I told the boys I couldn't go out because I'd rather spend the night with you..." he smiled as he sat back into the sofa.

"I don't want you to do that; you should go and celebrate with them!" I insisted. It made me feel bad knowing he wasn't going out with them because of me.

"I can celebrate with them anytime I like, but I can't see you. I wouldn't want to do anything other than spend the night with you. I love you Em..." he said as I cuddled further into his chest, taking my hand in his and playing lightly with my fingers. So, he might not have been back for good but I was just going to enjoy this while it lasted. I laid on his chest, listening to the gentle sound of his heartbeat and slowly drifted off to sleep in his arms. For once I was actually happy...


Emma looked so peaceful when she was sleeping. Coming back has made me realise just how much I'm hurting her by not being here. I thought I was hurting until I saw her today. Sure I'm back for a week but what's she going to do when everything goes back to how it was? Me not talking to her for weeks on end, not bothering to tell her how much I love her and not even paying attention to her. She was the one who got me this far and now all I'm doing is throwing it back in her face.

I love her, I really do. But I just don't see how this is going to work out for us...I already know she's going to be totally distraught when she finds out what I did last night. But that's something that can wait until I have to tell her. Right now, I'm just going to enjoy how perfect this moment is and keep her from finding out the truth for as long as possible...

I Was Lost, Til I Found You! [Jay McGuiness]Where stories live. Discover now