Chapter 2

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“Oh, come on, Logan! It’ll be fun!”

“I told you! I’m not going to let you carry me thousands of feet in the air, drop me, and see if you can catch me! It’s just stupid!”

“Come on! How do you know you don’t like it if you won’t try it?”

All I could do was glare at her. I really did want to do what she was asking, but I couldn’t give in.

Sighing, I said, “fine. Let’s go.”

She grabbed my arm and pulled us toward she doors and to outside.

“Yay! Thank you!”

She grabbed me under my armpits and surged upward. We steadily rose and she didn’t have any difficulty. We were thousands of feet up and I looked around, enjoying the view. “Glad you said yes?” she asked cheekily.

“Maybe,” I grumbled.

“Ok. I’m going to drop you, catch you, and bring you back up, drop you again, lower to the ground. Sound good?”

“I guess.”

With that said, she dropped me and all my insides surged upward. She did a backflip to get lower and snatched me out of the sky. We rose back up. This continued for about an hour till the ground was a few feet below me when she caught me. She let go and landed next to me.

“So? How’d I do?” she asked, breathing heavily.

“A lot better than I thought. And I really mean it.”

“Thanks! I’ve been training for it.”

“Then your training has paid off.”

Suddenly, there was an explosion above us. We saw two figures falling.

“Yeah. You can say that again.”

She took off and circled around them. I couldn’t see what was going on perfectly, but I could see it was awkward to hold two people at once. She carefully brought them to the ground and checked to see if they were alive. “Logan, go get someone who can help. Quick!” she ordered.

I ran for the Institute and didn’t know what to do. We couldn’t go to the hospital because if mutants were seen, the MRD would try to arrest us and people might get hurt. No one here had any healing abilities. Well…there might be one person. “Rogue!”

“Yeah, Logan?”

“Get down here!”

“What is it?”

“Do you have any healing abilities you might have picked up from someone?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Just come on,” I urged.

“What happened?” she asked when we got there.

“We’re not sure, but we just need someone to help them. Can you do that?”

“Anything for Logan,” she flirted.

Anna visibly got mad. She stepped forward, but I held her back.

She put her hands on the men and a couple minutes later, they shot up gasping.

“Hey, are you two ok?”

“Yeah, but… how are we alive?”

“Your plane exploded and I caught you.”

“Thanks for including me,” Rouge muttered.

“Well… we appreciate it.”

“Is there somewhere you need to be?”

“We were heading back toward our landing strip and then something went wrong with the plane and it exploded.”

“It would mean a lot if you could take us there.”

“Sure. It’ll be uncomfortable, just to let you know.”

“As long as we get to where we need to be.”

They took off and I couldn’t help but have a bad feeling about her going alone.

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