Chapter 3

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 ” I could tell something was off. Right before I was about to land, the men got really tense. Not like whenever we were in the air, but like tense where they knew something was about to go down. We landed and all of a sudden I got shot from behind. I tumble forward and look up to see the head of the MRD looking down at me and his little scientist friend watching me hungrily, like he was amazed I could even talk, let alone fly. “Come peacefully and you won’t get hurt.”

“Yeah, for now,” I scoff.

“No need to be rude…Anna.” My eyes widen in terror. How does he know?

“Who? My name isn’t Anna.”

“Of course it is! We have intel on you!” He’s getting angry. And when someone gets angry, they get defiant, and when people get defiant, they make eye contact.

“You sure you have the right Intel?” I ask, looking innocently confused. “Because my name is Autumn.” He’s made eye contact. I subtly make him think my name is Autumn.

“I… must be… thinking of someone else,” he says, shaking his head. “Someone get me some water.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And that’s my cue! Bye!” I shoot off into the sky heading back the way we came. It’s a huge area, and I doubt they will be able to move everything. I have a photographic memory, and I memorized everything about this whole endeavor. I just need to get back to Logan. He’s one of the few people I can trust. I near the Institute and see Logan sitting on our favorite bench that overlooks the ocean. I have avian DNA so I can see and hear better than normal people. I’m a few hundred yards away and he’s watching the waves sadly, so I can tell something is on his mind. He has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen and black hair I like to mess up to make him mad. I can’t take him seriously when he tries to be mad at me. I hear a chopper and look behind me in time to nearly be shot out of the sky. I soar upwards and try to stay in the light of the sun, but they won’t give up! I’m flying around for ten minutes before I realize the Institute is right below me. I dive down so fast that my eyes start to water. Logan is sitting in the same spot. “Logan!” He looks up and brings out his blades.

“What’s going on?” he yells.

 "I'll explain later! Now help me!"

I flew low to the ground so that Logan could do some damage. I was a few feet above the ground and so was the chopper. I went right by Logan and he broke the chopper. A piece of shrapnel, however, hit me in the back. Because of the pain, I couldn’t fly anymore, and I went straight towards a cliff. I hit the ground and rolled towards it. I grabbed a rock and was dangling over the edge with jagged rocks below me. “Logan!”


“I’m slipping!”

“Hang on!” I hear his footsteps running towards me. Right when the rock breaks, he grabs my arm before I fall to my imminent death. He pulls me up and we both breathe heavily because of the adrenaline. I look up and see he’s watching me with so much tension I’m sure he’s going to explode. Despite myself, I start laughing. I’m not sure why, but I am. “What’s so funny?” I look up to see Logan looking at me like I’m crazy.

“It’s just that… I almost died…and you saved me!” I managed to get out in between breaths.

“Yeah, and?”

“I’m not really sure,” I say when I’m finally calmed down.

“You’re a nutcase, you know that?” he chuckles.

“We both are.”

“Pretty much explains the two of us.”

“Let’s get inside. We need to get the shrapnel out of my back.”

“You have shrapnel in your back? How?”

“When the chopper exploded, you dumb.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s hurry back.”

He brought me back inside and Rouge knocked me out to get the shrapnel out without screaming my head off. I woke up and my back was super sore. I looked around to see Logan smiling like an idiot.


“I have a surprise for you.”

“What is it?” I ask, excited.

He took out a mint green bracelet that had an infinity sign on it and a handmade pink and blue anklet. “I bought the bracelet the other day and made the anklet while you were knocked out.”

“I didn’t see you as a craftsman.”

“I’m not, but you’ve been through a lot. So…yeah.”

“Thanks!” I say taking them from him and putting them on.

“Um… I’ve got to go out of town.”

“Where are you going?”

“New York City.”

“Ooh! Can I come?”

“If you promise not to disobey what I tell you to do.”

“Ok! I promise.”

“Let’s go.”

“Right now? Sweet!” We went to the hangar bay and got into the plane. “So why do you need to go to New York?”

“Ever heard of SHIELD?”

“How could I not?”

“Well, they asked me to train some new heroes.”

“Ooh! Who are they? What do they call themselves?”

“White Tiger, Nova, Iron Fist, Power man, and Spiderman.”

“Nova sounds cool!”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“So are we going to their headquarters, some underground facility, an undercover dojo or something?”

“We’re going to the SHIELD Helicarrier.”

I gasped, my mouth open, and my eyes pretty much bulging out of my head. “No…way!”

“You seem excited,” he chuckles.

“No kidding! These are people with powers! Like us!”

And it was true. Other than everyone at the Institute and my family, I’ve never met any other super powered beings.

“You know, if we’re lucky, you get to meet the Avengers.”

“Oh my gosh! You’re kidding! Because if you are, I will never forgive you!”

“I’m telling the truth,” he says, putting his hands up in defense.

“Hey! Hands on the wheel! I don’t want to crash and die before I can meet the Avengers!”

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