Chapter 4

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I can’t believe they’re bringing someone in to train us! We’re skilled enough. Coulson came in with two people behind him. Couldn’t really see them, though.

“Team, meet Wolverine.” Oh my gosh! Wolverine? Sweet!

“And his acquaintance Anna. AKA Seductress.”

A girl with wings stepped forward, and I knew I was in love. She was wearing a black crop top hoodie with shorts that went to her mid-thigh. Wolverine said something to her and left as she flew down to meet us. With a closer look, she had beach blond hair that had bangs a little in her face on the right, a mint green bracelet with an infinity sign on her right wrist along with a hair tie. On her right ankle was a pink and blue handmade anklet. She had bright green eyes and was very tan. All over her legs were scars, both faded and new. I ran up to her. “Hi! I’m Nova. But my real name is-“

“Sam Alexander,” she interrupted while smiling. “I know who everyone is.” She seemed horrified. “Not to be rude! Wolverine told me about you guys and I wanted to know more.”

“It’s alright,” chuckled Power Man.

“So why are you called Seductress?” asked Iron Fist.

“If I make eye contact with someone I can control them and make them do what I want. Like this.” She made eye contact with White Tiger and made her do the Funky Chicken. Eventually she made her stop, but it was hilarious.

“How do you have wings?” I asked.

“I have avian DNA. I’m 98% human 2% avian.”

“So what other than the wings, what powers do you have?”

“I have super speed during flight, I can talk to machines, I can go into full on camouflage, I can mimic any sound or voice I’ve ever heard. I also have super hearing and-“She isamazing I thought,” I can read minds,” she said, smirking at me.

“Whoa,” said White Tiger.

“Yeah,” she said, blushing slightly.

“Don’t be modest! You’re amazing!”

“Well…”she was sad all of a sudden, glaring at her feet. “Not all of me is amazing.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s my family.”

“What’s so bad about them?” asked Spidy.

“A lot of things.”


“My dad is Magneto, Dr. Doom is my godfather, the Beetle is my ‘uncle’, and Thundra is my godmother.”

“Well… that’s interesting.”

“I like your vans,” I said to lighten her up.

“Thanks! I love black vans. They go with everything.”

I really like her. I wish I could ask her out, but Wolverine seems really protective of her. Seeing all the scars on her, I can see why. She has all this power, and she knows how to use it. Suddenly, I heard a voice. Not like the usual one, but a very soft voice.

“I would like to go out with you, too.”

“Thanks,” I thought.


Everyone turned to see Wolverine waiting for her. “I’ll see you guys later,” she said before flying up to Wolverine.

I stared after her until I realized everyone was looking at me.


“Nothing,” they said at the same time before leaving.

I’m in love.

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