Never Stop Thinking About Him

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Isabella's POV

"Didn't you hear! He killed another man!" "He should be put in jail by now! Why haven't the police gotten him yet!" "I heard that he looks like someone from hell! That man is the most horrific person ever! One look at his face, and you can never get him out of your mind!" These are the words that I've been hearing on the street almost everyday. The more and more I hear, the more I am concerned about my safety. I've been asking mother and father If we could leave London and move farther away like to France or America but, they think that we're safe here and there's nothing to worry about.... Right.... If we don't go soon I'm afraid that we'll be next. I try to concentrate on where I'm going and make sure not to get lost. I look up and look around and notice that I was at blind alley. I walked around but noticed something was off. I look around one more time and notice that I was alone. "Umm o-ok. " I take a few steps back trying to stay focused, "W-where is everyone. " I heard the sound of a can dropping and only one thought comes to mind, It's him! I start running away too scared to say anything. I'm running so fast I didn't notice the puddle of water in front of me and slipping as I fell to the ground I hit my head really hard and making everything turn to a blur. Footsteps approach and a figure of a man comes into view. He gets close enough that I can see him clearly. "Hyde?" I say extremely faintly. He smiles and I know that it's him. He has long, dark, wavy hair, pail skin, yellow eyes, and sharp teeth. I know I should have felt scared seeing him but, he wasn't terrifying like they said. He didn't look like a demon like they said. But they where right about one thing. Once you saw his face, you can never stop thinking about him.

In Love With An Evil Ego (Mazm Jekyll And Hyde)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora