Necessary roughness

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"Yo symone you good, you ain't been sayin nothin all week." Imani asked concerned

She was right, she hadn't been sayin much lately and she seemed drained.

"Is everything with you and Q ok?" I asked

"Yea I-it's not him." She responded lowly

"So what's goin on then boo?"

She let out a sigh of aggravation

"That night you guys went out on your dates my mom showed up."
"She had a black eye and told me she left my dad, s-she apologized too."

"Damn uncle joe a fuckin mess man." Imani said angrily

"Tell me about it but anyway it felt like she was being sincere with me but I don't know y'all."
"I'm not tryna let her in just for her to hurt me again."

"Honestly I wanna tell you to give it a shot but auntie ain't really got a good reputation goin for her."

"That's the thing man all she's ever done was hurt me how can I trust this isn't just another opportunity for her to do it again."
"I swear y'all I use to cry myself to sleep every night wondering what was so wrong with me that my own parents couldn't even love me."
"I just always wished that one day at least my mother would change and I would finally get the chance to experience the type of love I saw the other kids get." She said sniffling

Tears began to form in her eyes

"W-What if this is my chance y'all?"

"Aww monie don't cry boo." I said pulling her into a hug

She broke down in my arms

"I-i don't know what t-to do Mo." She said as she cried

Imani approached us and rubbed on her back

"How bout this boo, just take it slow for now you ain't gotta do nothin you ain't ready for."
"This is about you and you know we gone be here for you." Imani said with a smile

She nodded her head in agreement

"What's up, y'all ready to go?" Rita said entering the room

Symone quickly turned away in an attempt to hide her tears

"Yea we comin out now." I said with a smile

I followed Rita out of the room and the girls caught up with us shortly after. We were at a hotel down the street from the club we were working tonight and it was almost show time.

"Ight y'all you know what to do, get out there and getcho paper."
"Ima be here if y'all need me as normal and dont forget to utilize yo piece if necessary." Bone said before walking away

We all nodded and headed for the car.

"I'm kind of nervous y'all." Rita said rubbing her hands together

"I can tell girl you moving so much you got me nervous." Imani said jokingly

"Haha my bad."

"I'm playin boo but for real don't even worry bout it, it ain't as bad as you think."

"Yea it might be a slow start but once that money start to flow you gone forget all about them nerves." I said trying to reassure her

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