New rules part 1

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I stood there staring at his front door contemplating on whether or not I should knock.
The time came for me to tell Q about what happened last weekend. I've been pumping my head up with the idea that I could do this for days now, but now I'm wishing I had just called.

I guess that wouldn't be right though...

I took a deep breath and finally knocked on the door. I'm so nervous it's making me nauseous.

My heart pounded as I heard him approaching the door.

"Who is it?" He asked in a deep raspy tone

"I-it's me."

The door swung open

"Hey baby what you doing here." He said pulling me into a hug

"I umm just came to see you, we haven't seen each other in like 4 days." I said with a nervous laugh

"Ok that's what's up, well let me go brush my teeth so I can kiss on them lips of yours." He said with a wink

I smiled and made my way to the living room pacing the floor rehearsing how to tell him I kissed some random white boy in the club.

After a few minutes he returned...

"Ight let me get them lips." He said smiling

I smirked and pressed my lips against his.

"You hungry shawty I can make you some breakfast."

"Nah, I-I ain't come here for that...I gotta tell you something Q." I said in a serious tone

"Whats Good then, you alright?" He asked concerned.

I paused for a minute. I knew this could potentially be the end of us and that terrified me.

"I...I fucked up babe." I said somberly

The expression on his face went from concern to an unreadable but somewhat dark look.

"Oh yea, how so?"

"Well last weekend when me and the girls did a run i-I lost my head for a second...and took one of the pills."

He sucked his teeth

"Ah that's it girl I th-

"No that's not it."
"I kissed somebody Q, it was the worst mistake I've ever made and I promise it won't happen again, please don't break up with me." I said in a rush

He clinched his jaw as he stared at the floor.

His quietness didn't help with my anxiety.

"Come here." He said in a deep voice

I slowly approached him not knowing what to expect and to my surprise he pulled me into him and kissed me harder than he's ever had before.

"I forgive you but only cause I love you too much to stay mad at you."
"That shit ain't cool though so don't think cause I'm letting it slide this time that ima keep doin it, shit don't work like that you got me." He said still holding me in his arms

"Yea I gotchu." I said with a smile

I honestly thought he would be a little more upset than that.

"Mhm and another thing." He said in a angrier tone

He grabbed me by my neck and pushed me against the wall.

I guess I spoke too soon

"I know I may seem like a soft ass nigga cause I'm always being lovey Dovey with you and what not but don't get it fucked up."
"Don't think you can just treat me any kind of way cause ion like getting my heart broke and I would hate to show you that side of me.

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