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Sometimes I wonder why Lynn gave up these four. But then, I think about who Lynn is, and it all becomes clear. She's the type of girl that doesn't believe in protection or abortion, so that explains most of it. The rest can be explained by her job. I cannot state it in polite company... So please, only infer what she does. For the sake of my untarnished name.

I think that anytime the people at the daycare I use hire someone new, they have to explain this. It isn't illegal. I have written and signed consent from Lynn to pick them up each day. Besides, the ladies over there adore me, due to the fact that when I enter the room, silence echoes through the building. They're just scared I'll put them in a corner and forget about them. They also don't like my non-specific count to three, that if not met to my standards, ends up being bad for their favourite toy or activity. They adore my singing, though. I am essentially the volunteer caregiver that kids adore. I'm not scared of diapers. I find myself comforting fussy babies. I treat them like adults. I don't believe babying will help them learn. Any broken promise, unless the promise involved breaking rules, was regarded as a broken rule. Anyone left awake at nappy time was an odd occurrence, for I usually made them laugh themselves exhausted. I learned that trick after three months of babies who weren't very sleepy. They were always quiet, always eager, always compliant; I am the youngest one there, but also the strictest. A thirteen year old can make children behave, you shouldn't doubt that. Tomorrow is a Monday, so I have to live this reality. Who knew I was a nanny at heart?

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