Learning to be George, Ch 1

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Saturday May 2, 1998, in the evening

George Weasley was eating a little. He stomach was still upset from the thought of Fred. All the Weasleys were together, and Lee and Angelina had left to get something to eat and leave the family alone. George thought, 'Lee said they would both be back, and Angelina had nodded and given me a hug and a little kiss. They said they would stay with me. They would sleep with me. I know what Lee means; sleep in the same room but in a different bed. What does Angelina mean? I've been thinking of sleeping, no, I been thinking of taking Angelina to bed, but sleeping has very little to do with what I've been thinking.

'Stupid randy git. Fred's not even in the ground and all you can think of is he isn't in the way of you and Angelina.

'Now what do I do? It's almost like I couldn't think alone. How am I going to do anything without you, Fred?'

Ginny handed George the Daily Prophet. He read the front, and then read the back piece of tripe written by Rita Skeeter. He finally read the last paragraph. "As for poor little Ginny Weasley, who Harry dated briefly last year, it is hard to see how a little witch with such modest skills and looks could compete with all the witches who are going to be after the Famous Harry Potter." 'Merlin, Boggarts' thought George. 'Ginny's already head over heels in love with Potter, and then throw a challenge like that at her? Potter's dead meat. She'll have him landed in weeks. Wedding bells, here we come. Look at her. She's not going to let Potter out of her sight until she has a ring on her finger, and Potter's not going to know what hit him. Whatever I've been thinking of doing with Angelina, Ginny's been thinking of doing with Potter. She may be my little sister but she's one sexy broad!'

George saw Bill and Charlie talking in a corner, and went over to them with the article. "Look at this, brothers," George declared, pointing out where the article said, "As for poor little Ginny Weasley, who Harry dated briefly last year, it is hard to see how a little witch with such modest skills and looks could compete with all the witches who are going to be after the Famous Harry Potter."

Bill thought of the conversations of the last few hours. He looked over at Ginny and Harry. "Oh my goodness," Bill exclaimed. "Ginny read that!"

"A little bit of a challenge, eh," George pointed out. "And we all know what Ginny does with a challenge. Two weeks. I give Harry two weeks before Ginny gets a ring or a formal wedding proposal, and Ginny will instigate it, not Harry. She's going to get Harry so tightly tied to her that no other witch will be able to get within a kilometer of him, and quickly."

"I'm not sure it will happen that fast, but I would not doubt that they...," Bill stopped, looked over at Harry and Ginny again, looked at the article again, and thought. "You take two weeks, I'll take six." Bill kind of shook his head at Ginny and Harry, and then grinned at George.

Charlie laughed. "All right, I'll take, May...June...July...Twelve weeks."

"I'll ask Ron, if I can pry him away from Hermione, and Percy," George confirmed. At this point Percy came up and George showed him the article. "Read the last line, Percykins. How long do you think it will take for Ginny to land Harry?"

Percy looked at Harry and Ginny and the article, and proclaimed, "I think they will probably get married right after she graduates from Hogwarts, sometime next summer."

George disagreed. "We all think she will be engaged before this summer is out, probably married too."

"I don't think mum and dad will allow it," Percy argued.

"Just Ronnikins left to ask," George concluded. "Oh, Lee and Angelina are back. Charlie, we'd better see what we need to do and get to doing it."

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