Ch 3 New Sleeping Arrangements

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The group that was fixing up the stores apparated to The Burrow Saturday, May seventeenth. It was gone. Not just destroyed, but reduced to ashes so fine you could not find anything to restore or rebuild with. It was real tough on everybody, even those people who were not going to be living at the Burrow. They all went to twelve Grimmauld Place, where Harry had sleeping accommodations for everyone who would have stayed at the Burrow. Harry told them about his money and a trust and helping pay for the damage the war did. After that George and Angelina, Lee and Charlie, Ron and Hermione all went to the store in Diagon Alley.

Shortly after they were there Ron asked, "Can I still sleep at the Hogsmeade store?"

George replied, "Angelina, can you take Ron over there?"

Angelina agreed, saying, "Hermione, do you want to come too?" Hermione nodded yes, and the three took the Floo over to the Hogsmeade store. Upstairs there were two nice bedrooms, a very cozy two bedroom apartment. "Would you like to stay here too?" asked Angelina of Hermione.

"It's better than sleeping in a dormitory with Harry and Ginny and Teddy," Hermione agreed. Ron and Hermione moved all their things over to the Hogsmeade store.

While Angelina was with Ron and Hermione over at the Hogsmeade store, George went up to the bedroom he and Fred shared. They had each written a letter to the other in case one of them died. He took out his first and read it. He left it lying on his bed, and went over to Fred's bed and read Fred's letter. 'Damn Fred' thought George. 'All he cares about is keeping the stores running, so people will remember him as a success.'

George left the two letters lying on the beds, and went down stairs mad at Fred.

As evening approached, after dinner, Angelina told George, "We need to arrange sleeping for the next nights. Charlie and Lee can sleep in the guest bedroom, and I'm going to be sleeping with you."

"Are you sure?" asked George. "Not that I'd mind, no, not at all, it's just that sleeping in someone's bedroom is a little different than staying in their house."

"Well I'm sure not sleeping with Lee or your brother, George," Angelina hissed, hands on her hips. "We're going to be sleeping together eventually anyway."

"Fine," George agreed. "Move your stuff into our room. No, it's not our it's my, no its ...?"

"It's going to be OUR room, yours and mine," Angelina stressed. "Yours and mine."

George had started to tear up. "I really love you, and I'm sure that someday saying 'our' and meaning you and me will be natural, but 'our' has been Fred and me for so long that it's still hard sometimes." George and Angelina hugged for quite a while.

Angelina went up to the bedroom. There on the beds were two letters. She read the one from Fred first.

'George, if you are reading this I am dead and you are alive.

'Don't go falling to pieces over me. We both knew the risks.

'KEEP THE STORES RUNNING. If I'm dead the only thing I'll have left is my name as a founder of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, so make the store a big success.

'You are no good with margins and money. Get help. Bill knows all about money, and Ron is so tired of being poor that he will make sure anything he has anything to do with makes money. Make one or both of them partners, and make a lot of money.

'Angelina looks at you and I'm pretty sure she wants to marry you. I would have suggested it but if you married her it would mean you had shagged someone before me, and I was too selfish to allow that. If you get her in a family way name your first son Fred after me. You owe me that.

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