Ch 2 George Wins His Bet

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Monday late afternoon, May 4

George and Angelina, Lee Jordan and Charlie Weasley came down stairs a little after Molly, just before 6:00 PM. George looked over to where Harry and Ginny had been greeting the new arrivals. Harry was holding Teddy and talking to him, and as they were watching them Harry brought Teddy over to Ginny. Ginny sat down and did something with her one breast, and then Teddy was nursing. George looked at Angelina and asked, "How can she do that? She hasn't been pregnant. That's some kind of magic."

"It probably is," Angelina admitted. "Ask her."

"Uh, that's woman's stuff ... I'm not sure ... Angelina, how am I going to go up and talk to Ginny about ... no way," George protested.

"Are you embarrassed to talk about breasts, George?" Angelina whispered so only George could hear. Both of them were talking very quietly, not really wanting Lee or Charley to be part of the conversation. "I have a pair too, if you hadn't noticed."

"A very nice pair too," George smirked. "I've noticed, I'm just worried that I'm going to say the wrong thing and get in trouble no matter what I say."

"You're just interested in getting in my knickers and not at my bust?" Angelina laugh and teased, sort of sticking her chest out.

"I'm interested in every part of you, but we're living in a dormitory and either my mum or my dad is sleeping up there most of the time and," George had a look on his face that was a combination of exasperation and embarrassment, "there are things you just don't do in front of your parents."

"You and Fred were always a little bit randy, but when it comes right down to it I think it was all talk," Angelina sneered.

"Well, we're both still virgins, if that's what you ... are you just teasing me?" asked George.

"You're not the only one interested in getting you into my knickers," Angelina laughed. "I've waited long enough for you two idiots, and I'll have to admit I'm getting a little anxious too. Meanwhile I can talk to you about breasts and get you real embarrassed, and I can see it turns you on. You know your sister has a pretty big pair for as small as she is, not really big but for someone as little as she is a very nice pair. Mine are probably as big, but they look a lot smaller because I'm a lot bigger. I've got much bigger hips. You've got a nice butt, you know. Broad shoulders. Girls like looking at guys bodies too."

"I love you," George declared with a wistful look.

"I love you too," Angelina answered, still laughing. "I'll go over and talk to Ginny."

A little later on Angelina was back and said to George quietly, looking at Ginny and not at George, "Ginny has a magical nursing bra that lets her nurse, using formula and Tonk's breast milk. It really is magical. As long as they have some of Tonk's breast milk and the special Mother Minerva's formula it duplicates the breast milk, and they just have to save a little to keep duplicating it. Teddy is nursing just like he would if his mother was here. Good for Teddy and Ginny says it feels good to her too. She's never had anyone on her breasts before." Angelina turned to George. "You'll get your chance, with me. Not up in that dormitory, though."

Shortly before going to bed George pried Ron away from Hermione. He had been talking to the others about having Ron stay at the Hogsmeade store and help manage it. George asked him, "Ron, what are you going to do this summer."

"Try and pass my N.E.W.T.s so I can become an Auror," Ron explained. "Hermione is going to go to Australia to find her parents, and she'd like me to come with her, but I don't think I can. I'd like to earn some money. Harry and you and everybody seems to have money and I'm tired of being broke and poor."

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