Ch 4 Making Freddy

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It was Thursday, July thirtieth. Angelina had been sick all week, usually in the morning, and it had gotten worse. Lee was traveling, buying and selling. Thursday was usually a slow day, and George told Angelina that she needed to see the healers. About 8:30 AM she took the Floo to St. Mungo's. When the store opened at 9:00 AM George and Verity were busy, and they were beginning to run out of a couple of items. When Angelina came back at 11:00 AM George quickly told her what was going on and disappeared down to the basement workroom to refill their stock. Usually by 9:00 PM the store was empty, but this day there were still customers in the store, and they could not get rid of the last of them until 9:30 PM. As George and Angelina stumbled up to their apartment Angelina told him, "You take a shower and I will get a little dinner ready." Angelina was not the most creative cook, but you could not be good in potions and not be able to follow a recipe, and her food was more than acceptable.

'Women were different than men,' thought George, as he was taking his shower. 'A lot more complicated. Well, they had more parts, and some of the parts were on the inside. There were other things on the inside too, like sex. It was pretty obvious when a bloke was turned on. When you were naked you could see it, no doubt about that, and it didn't take much for a guy to get ready.' George thought 'I can get ready on a moment's notice. Not Angelina. Sometimes I'm ready and it takes time, a lot of time, before she is ready. That's not the worst thing; it's a lot of fun getting Angelina ready. Once Angelina asked, 'Do all men have to learn about foreplay?' Learning her moods is taking time, but if she is sort of in the mood in the afternoon, and if you didn't blow it but were loving and encouraging, then after dinner she was usually in the mood.

Women had more parts. She liked having her ears nibbled. They were nice little ears, and since she had started to wear her hair very short it was easy to get to the ears. "Not curly, kinky, it's a black thing," she said about her hair. 'I sure can't see Ginny or Mum's with hair that short,' thought George 'but they don't have the same kind of hair. We've sure spent enough time in each other's mouth. Kissing's fun! Going down her neck and onto her ... she doesn't stick out in front as much as mum or Ginny, but she has a nice pair, and they're fun to play with. You could sure feel them when you were front to front. Great hips, and more, and they sure had a lot of fun down there as well.'

'Women have cycles and periods. We usually don't wear anything to bed, but once a month, well, it had only been once but it's supposed to come once a month, sex wasn't impossible it might as well have been. It wasn't just a physical thing, either. Angelina was probably overdue for another period. I wonder if this has anything to do with her feeling sick. Maybe you didn't feel good if it didn't come on time. Women were sure complicated.'

When George came out food was on the table. Angelina had a beer for him, not a butterbeer but a good English beer with enough alcohol to relax you. Angelina had some chamomile tea, which was strange, thought George. Usually she was more than willing to share a beer or two with him.

"Do the healers know what's wrong with you?" asked George.

"Nothing is wrong with me," Angelina stated, "but the healers know why my stomach has been upset, and I have prenatal potions to take to keep me from throwing up and help with the morning sickness."

"Another female thing?" asked George, digging into the food and not paying much attention. "Female bodies are sure complicated."

"Yes, it is another female thing," Angelina declared. "Well, not totally. If you and I had not started sleeping together I wouldn't be taking these potions."

"Sleeping in the same bed makes you sick?" asked George, beginning to pay a little attention.

"Well it's not exactly the sleeping," Angelina admitted. "It's the other stuff we do in bed."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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