Chapter Twenty: We'll Always Have Paris

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Chapter Twenty: We'll Always Have Paris

Marcie's Point of View: 

For my eighteenth birthday, my parents took Louis and I to Paris on a simple vacation. My parents had just found out that Louis and I no longer had an innocent relationship so things had been rough at home.

Paris with Louis had been my escape from that. Together, the two of us took on the city of love. We slow danced in random French restaurants. We ate cheese and drank wine. We escaped my parent's strict watch late at night and just lay on the roof under the stars. We would talk about everything and nothing and we would occasionally steal kisses.

"I'm going to marry you one day." Louis had told me abruptly on our last night there.

Louis and I had been serious for a while now, but that was the first time that he had said a word about marriage. He had never even mentioned forever, and honestly it scared me to death.

"Really, now why would you want to marry me?" I asked trying to hide my blush with my hair.

"Because I'm in love with you, and I want the world to know it. I want to call you mine and there not be any doubts." He answered without missing a beat. He didn't even have to think about it. He just knew. 

"There aren't any doubts. I'm yours Louis forever and always." I assure and I peck him on the lips lighly. Just enough to tease him.

"Marcie, do you have any idea how happy you make me?" I rolled over onto my stomach so that I can see his face, and sure enough, he's grinning at me.

"I love you, baby." I smile before I kiss him for real this time. I kiss him deeply. I wanted him to know how sure I was about this.

That night we fell asleep, fully undressed, on the hotel roof. The next morning, we were awoken by agonizing hunger and the bright summer sun. 

I swore under my breath when I realized the situation. My parents were going to kill me when they found out. They would know that Louis and I have been sneaking out every night. They would know what we've been doing when they weren't looking. 

Louis and I quickly dress and make small jokes just to see the other smile. This was the first time that Louis and I had woken up next to each other, and I knew I would never forget the feeling. Nothing had ever felt more right that being next to him did.

We walk hand in hand down to the lobby and expect to see my seething parents sitting on a couch awaiting our arrival, but instead we see them laughing. Actually laughing and enjoying the other's company. That's something that my parent's hadn't done for a while. They were oblivious to the fact that we weren't there and Louis and I went and spent the rest of the day of that roof.

That's the happiest that I remember being. Seeing my parents truly happy and getting to spend the day with the one I love doing nothing is one of my favorite memories.

I had always planning on Louis and I spending our honeymoon here. I planned on wearing a little white dress and sitting here with him just enjoying the view. We wouldn't have to say anything, but we could just look at each other and know that this is the happiest moment of both of our lives.

But, now that's just a pretty fantasy. Now Paris is just a dream and some amazing distant memories.

 I wonder what they're all doing now. I could just picture them all living their lives happily without me.

Niall would be eating and passing his unhealthy eating habits onto Lacey. Harry would be out getting drunk or flirting with some bleach blond with a bad tan. Zayn would be going on about how he misses Perrie. Liam would be sitting on the couch skyping with Danielle.

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