Night Life

18 3 0

"Conner, where are you going? Aren't you staying here hot stuff?"

Conner looks at the girl talking to him. Inside he couldn't help but laugh at her weak attempt to get him to stay with her. He quickly walks out of the room buttoning his shirt as he goes. Heading outside and down the street he hurries to his car before she has time to follow him. He jumps in and takes off before she can even come to the door.

Laughing he heads towards a local coffee shop for a few minutes, just enough time to make sure she didn't turn into a crazy stalker lady. He grabs something to drink and stays for a bit just people watching.

Soon however he finishes his drink and thinks he had waited long enough to poke his head back out into the world. Mainly he was just hoping to find someone else to finish his night with. Back into the car he drives around for a bit until he sees a small club. Going inside he finds some biker guys drinking beer alone at the end of the bar. He walks around for a bit seeing if anyone else was there before leaving once more. 'How hard can it be to find a decent place with some actual people inside?'

He soon goes by a place full of cars. He can hear music playing inside and the smell of something cooking. Conner decides to head inside and just check the place out. Walking in he finds it full of people, most of them eating, drinking, or dancing and just having a good time. He leans against the wall watching everyone as they dance. His eyes skimming over the girls in skimpy clothes dancing for attention.

'These girls are practically begging me to hit on them' looking around the room once more he sighs. He plays with his keys for a moment before looking at the door thinking he better leave soon and try again. And that's when he saw her. Walking in slowly and shyly he could tell immediately she did not come to places like this often. She was dressed in a red sweater and capris. Every inch of her arms and chest was covered and only her calves barely showing. He smiled. 'She looks like she's wearing something for old ladies. Well this might be a challenge then'

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