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I regretted coming the second I walked through the door. The place was full of people and everyone was talking or dancing. True everyone seemed to be having a good time but still not my cup of tea. The place was super crowded and I kinda just stood there dumbstruck. I had no clue what to do or where to go. I did know I was hungry however but I had no idea where to go to actually get the food. Country music was playing and it was pretty loud. I could barely hear myself think, and I still don't know how anyone could talk in that place or better yet hear each other.

I stood near the doorway for a few moments debating whether or not to leave. I was overwhelmed and not sure if I even wanted to be here. I decided to move a bit more away from the door where people we're constantly walking in and out from, and instead went to stand by the wall.
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As the girl walked farther in Conner quickly saw that she was actually pretty. She looked young, probably a student in town but the main thing that caught his eye was she had an innocent look to her. Her clothes and her hair weren't showy and he didn't think she was wearing much if any makeup. Yet even without all of that she still seemed beautiful in her own way. Conner was surprised when she walked up closer to him. That's when he noticed she looked lost as though she didn't know where to go or what to do. He smiled as he thought of possibly taking her home for the night. She stopped not far away from him and he didn't even think she had even so much as seen him yet standing there. "Hey what we doing?"
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Walking farther down the wall trying to decide I heard a voice speaking to me. I turned and saw a young man standing by the wall. He was about the same height as me, not surprising since I'm tall. He was stockier with muscled arms. He looked at me with eyes filled with curiosity. I don't even know how or why but I actually talked to him. "Oh nothing much. Bored to death really just looking for something to do." As the words came out of my mouth I realized just what I had done. What did I just do?

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Conner was honestly surprised at her answer. He was expecting her to be more shy and reserved. "Same honestly. Want to go do something?" He was sure that she would say no but worth the try. He was honestly interested to learn more about this girl and maybe even get a good time with her.
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Again my mouth surprised me. As I look back on this day I have no reason why I even talked to him to start. And what came out of my mouth next surprised me even more. "Sure. Being bored with someone else has to be better then being bored alone. Where do you want to go?" WHAT DID I JUST SAY! 
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Conner was even more surprised when she said yes. He was immediately again struck with just how innocent she looked and he knew he couldn't just ask to take her home..... Yet.

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