13. King for a day

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Me and Vic had been dating for exactly 2 months on the night of the talent show, despite it being terrifying, I feel like it was the perfect way to celebrate.


"Why are we always last?" Vic asked, tracing a finger down the running order list stuck on the door- he looked kinda pissed off. Pierce the veil was printed in small letters right at the bottom. We had decide to call the band that because of a song Vic wrote a while back and the concept was pretty neat. He said it was about getting to the source of a problem and fixing it.

"I dunno bro, best till last right?" Mike said and slung his arm around his little big brother.

We were standing around 'backstage', which is basically sort of a corridor in our school. I had gotten to know Tony, Mike and Jaime a lot better over the few weeks I had known them. Mike was at college and Tony and Jaime went to school just outside of town.

"So how long have we got?" Tony asked.

"Like 2 hours." Vic grumbled and crossed his arms.

"Hey come here youuu." I pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back until he softwned and snuggled into my arms.

"It'll fly by." I stated.


Sadly, I was completely wrong and it felt like eternity before our performance, all our nerves were running high. In the time between getting there and performing, Jaime managed to loose his bass about 5 times, how? I have no idea.

After a couple of hours of restless waiting we were finally called into the wings.

We were watching the band before us, I think they called themselves all time low, when the reality hit me: we had to play a song that we made in front of about 1000 judgemental school kids. I was convinced they were going to hate us. Fear and adrenaline stabbed into the bottom of my heart and I willed myself to breathe at a normal pace.

I looked over at Vic for reassurance, but he looked just as scared, he was clenching and unclenching his hands whilst fidgeting around a lot. Although he did catch my eye and gave me a quick smile.

You are a singer. I told myself, you nee to breathe normally.

"Up next, a group of boys who call themselves Pierce the veil!" An announcement echoed through the theatre, the audience clapped politely. Someone dressed in black shoed us onto the dark stage. It was all happening so fast and suddenly blinding lights shone out, illuminating our presence. The heat of them beat down onto my skin, which didnt help with the fact i was sweating from nerves.

I took a deep breathe as Mike counted us in...1,2,3,4...

The introduction of King for a day erupted from the amps and I felt the fear being replaced with excitement. I lifted my head and smiled. This is our song, we made this!

"Dare me to jump of this jersey bridge!" Vic yelled into the mic.

"I bet you've never had a friday night like this!" I sung, feeling so...alive!

"Keep it up keep it up lets raise our hands!"

"Take a look up in the sky and i see,"

"RED for the cancer, red for the wealthy, red for the drink thats mixed with suicide, everything's red..."

I found myself bouncing around to the music with energy and enthusiasm i didn't know i had.

"Please wont you push me for the last time, I'll scream until theres nothing left, so sick of playing i don't want this anymore, the thought of you's no fricking fun." *nice save kellin* "You want a martyr? I'll be one, cause enoughs enough we're done."

Me and Vic continued belting out our song, while he, Tony and Jaime strummed and picked at incredible speed; of course mike was at the back head banging with a wild expression on his face.

I looked across at the reactions of some people in the room, and (much to my surprise) many people looked impressed. Some people even looked jealous. Daaaamn. My excitement grew as my favourite part of the song approached.

"Hail Mary, forgive me," Vic sung with a voice like an angel, "Blood for blood, hearts beating. Come at me! Now this is WAR!"

"Fuck with this new beat!" Someone yelled from the audience, causing us all the crack up, but continue playing. I saw a skinny guy with black beanie and shoulder length black hair. He was now getting hushed by teachers.

I took a deep breath and screamed out my favourite part.

"Now terror begins inside a bloodless vein

I was just a product of the street youth rage

Born in this world without a voice or say

Caught in the spokes with an abandoned brain

I know you well but this ain't a game

Blow the smoke in diamond shape

Dying is a gift so close your eyes and rest in peace!"

Adrenaline was buzzing through my veins constantly. When we finished the song, the crowd erupted in applause -even a few people were standing up! It seemed like seconds since we walked on the stage, but at the same time it was eternity. We took a bow, and returned to the wings.

As soon as we were out of the backstage area, Vic flung himself at me and ended up with his legs wrapped around my waist and his arms around my neck. I was lost for words so I let out the most genuine laugh I had laughed in ages.

"THAT. WAS. EPIC!" Vic squealed in my ear.

"I-I know!" I stuttered back, hugging him tight.

"Do you think we'll win?" Tony asked no one in particular.

Mike replied," We have a pretty good chance I'd say." He grinned and pulled Tony into an embrace.

Jaime didn't seem to be feeling left out from all the hugging, he was still bouncing about on his toes with a child like smile pasted on his face.

"We shall see!" I sung filled with nerves and excitement.


Sorry I haven't really been in the right mood to do anything much recently so my writing kinda sucks

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