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Father knocks, "Can we come in?" He asks with Eins following behind him. "You may now come in, Your highness" They went in first followed by me and Ernst. "It's a boy" Mother said, exhaustion can be written in her face. I took a step closer, Letting curiosity kill the cat. A blue eyed baby boy stare back at me, he looks so cute! "May I ask, what his name would be?" Einii asks. "Kai, Kai von Glanzreich" Father said. A big smile spread across my face.

~timeskip 3 months~
~3rd pov~

As the princess had predicted, the war had begun. Viktor smiled and kissed his wife and the foreheads of his children. "Protect my family for me, Ernst" Ernst bowed as he left the room to prepare for the war.

Chaos, Despair, Blood, Pride and Blood lust,These were the only thing that could be seen in the war. Viktor mercilessly killed the enemies one by one just for the sake of the kingdom, for the sake of his family. The blue glare that pierce through your soul is the only last thing you would see in this world before you can visit the other world. 

The war was absolutely terrifying. Knowing that you can die any minute from now. But you still had to do it to protect your own people.

During this war, there was an illness that spread over many kingdoms, The illness had a medicine but the chances of death was 50%, it was basically a gamble of life and death. Thankfully no one in the military had that illness including the king, Viktor.

But unfortunately In the kingdom of Glanzreich, A small girl with Black hair and innocent Blue eyes, wearing a simple yet elegant White dress had caught this illness.

Doctors and Nurses were wearing masks so that they wouldn't get the same illness as the little girl. They were trying to heal her. She wasn't allowed to see or even talk to her family, she was confined in her room, so that they wouldn't get caught with the same illness. She was lonely, extremely lonely. She was just 2 years old after all. 

In the palace of Glanzreich, Professors were teaching the successor of the throne, Eins von Glanzreich, How to act, speak and behave like a proper prince, Since his father, Viktor was in war fighting for the sake of the kingdom and his family, There was a chance that he could die, making him the king in such a young age, but he couldn't refuse that,for he is the eldest son. There was so much responsibility and expectations settled for him, he was stressed out, But he needs to give his best.

~Zella's pov~

I look out the window and see the garden, I had always love studying the meaning behind flower names before. A knock echoed in my room,"come in" I turned away my attention from the garden to the door. "Your highness, It's time to drink your medicine" I nod and the nurse prepared the medicine.

I had caught the illness, a month ago. It begun with a small cough but there was enough evidence since it wasn't normal, I noticed that my hands were covered in blood, there I realized I had caught the illness. I still remember the face Eins, Ernst and mother had during the time I showed them my hands. They're eyes were wide as saucers and they're jaw dropped, I thought a fly would went in it if they didn't close it. Mother called for the doctor and they confined me in my room until I get healed. So right now it's a matter of life and death for me.

Every night I would stay up until two in the morning. I was scared, I was suddenly transported into this world and then die so suddenly? It scared me, that one night I would sleep and then the next morning when the nurse or doctor would check on my condition I wouldn't wake up, then my family would be grieving over my death.

If that were to happen then why was I born into this world in the first place? I'm slowly losing my optimistic self in this room. Everyday would be so boring and dull, so lonely. That's why I had begun reading books as a hobby. It was a good thing Einii teached me how to read or else I would have nothing to do except play with random toys.

I hope someone could teach me how to write so that I can write these important notes in my head and fantasies. I would mostly read about other languages or history about my kingdom and I had recently learned about my previous country Japan, that in this world it was called "Yapan", which is what Japanese call they're country.Wait does anime exist during that period? Damn it if only I had a phone to search that. 

I wonder when will I be healed? Or will I ever get healed? These questions are stressing me out.

I look at the grandfather clock and read the time, '1:59' I look out the window and see a black void with little but bright dots, some forming a pattern and some random. A long sigh escaped my lips and make myself comfortable in bed,my eyes became more heavier as each second pass by and eventually let me go to the dream land.

[edited: 11/16/19]

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