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~Zella's pov~

I wake up and cover my eyes from the sunlight, the Nurse probably opened the curtains of my window. I look at my bedside table and see some syrup that 'cures' my illness.

 Apparently this illness was very new, scientists and doctors are trying to figure out where it started but luckily they already made an antidote for it ,which the medicine I'm trying to drink. Key word 'TRY'. The medicine tastes so bad and tablet medicines are not advisable for children so I'm stuck here drinking the syrup.

I hear a knock outside my door so I let them in but the person said it was fine 'then why did you knock the door in the first place?' I thought, veins popping out of my temple.

 "How are you feeling, my dear?" oh so it was Queen mother "I'm fine, I'm sorry for worrying all of you." I heard Queen mother laugh behind the door "It's quite alright, my dear. When your father heard about you getting infected with the disease, he immediately wrote back a letter asking if you want him to come back to the palace so he could take care of you." That's so sweet, Alexa play 'Fly me to the moon', oh right there's no gadgets in this era.

"It's fine if father didn't come, All I want for him is to come back home safely." I said with a small smile. My eyelids were getting heavier again, slowly I lost consciousness.

~3rd pov~

"You are such a good girl, Zella. Do you want a cake, once you have fully healed?" The Elder woman asked with a smile but after a few minutes, she didn't hear any response from the little girl she's talking to behind the door separating them.

 She called for the palace doctors, The men in white coat opened the princess' door and the elder woman's eyes were wide as saucers, she put her trembling hand over her mouth. The princess was pale as if she had seen a ghost, her breathing was slower than a usual sleeping person. The doctor closed the door and try to figure out what happened to the princess while they were away.

Several months have passed and the war had come to an end. Viktor and his comarades went back to their homeland, Glanzreich. They were exhausted, all they wanted to do was sleep peacefully and never wake up. But unfortunately some of the men that went to war, their children may or may not have caught the illness. It seems like the illness only gets caught in children since their bodies are weak.

Viktor dropped off his horse in the stable and went to the dining room since it was already 6:00 pm. He went inside and saw Eins, Ernst, Queen mother and his wife all smiling happily for his arrival. He sat in his usual seat and they began to eat and tell stories to each other.

"Zella would be so happy if she saw you well and laughing" Maria said while chuckling. The royals and Ernst stopped what they were doing and stare with wide eyes at the elder, Maria looked at her relatives and Ernst , confusion written on her face "Did I said something wrong?" The royals and Ernst shook their head.

"I've been so busy with all of my lessons that I have forgotten about her" Eins said, looking at his lap, ashamed and guilty of himself. How can he forget such an important thing. The others as well looked at their laps in shame and guilt.

The elder woman placed her hand over her mouth, "Well then, how about we go visit her, after eating? She was moved at the first floor last month" The rest of their dinner was silent as well as the walk to her current room.

There was a window so that the doctors, nurses or her relatives can see if she's doing well. The royals and Ernst look at it.In the other side of  the window, there laying in bed was a pale girl with black hair that was messier than the last they have seen her, Blue blanket neatly placed on top of her and a single doctor with white lab coat, mask and brown hair, writing something down in his clip board.

"W-what happened to her?" Eins managed to say "She suddenly went unconscious and went into coma, the doctors said she may wake up this month" the elder explained as she puts a hand over her grandson's shoulder trying to ease him.

~Zella's pov~

It's so dark, cold and so lonely in here. It feels like forever, I keep walking in this endless pitch black tunnel with no source of light. I'm scared. What's happening? 

I look at my palm and see droplets of water. I harshly rub my eyes and continue moving forward. Every step feels so heavy, every second is so suffocating, I don't know where I'm going nor do I know where I am. I'm confused, scared, lonely, tired,thirsty and hungry.

Suddenly I see a small light, It's small, yes but there's still...There's still hope!

I ran and ran and ran, not caring if my tiny legs were sore, not caring if my feet were having calluses, not giving a shit if I was so exhausted that I could die. The small light became bigger and bigger until I ran past it. It was now all white, Are you fucking kidding with me?!?!?

My eyelids slowly opened and see an unfamiliar place, where the fuck am I now? I try to sit up but a person with white lab coat, mask and brown hair told me not to force my body to move since my muscles were probably sore from laying in bed for a whole month. Bitch please I ran like a thousand kilometer in my dream but I'm still tired.

I sigh and drank some water since my mouth is dry as the safari desert.


After another month of being confined in this unknown place, drinking medicine and exercising, I had successfully won over that stupid illness and according to the nurses that check on me, It seems like my family have been checking my progress. 'I have to apologize later for worrying them' 

When I went out of the room I was confined, The first thing I saw was my family and Ernst in tears. Father hugged me, followed by the rest of my family including an awkward Ernst. I held back a laugh when I saw him uncomfortably hugging between Eins and Queen mother.

They synchronized when they apologized to me for forgetting about my existence and my illness, I said it was fine even though a pang of pain hit me when I heard that but I just shrug it off. In the end of the day, I'm happy that I'm still alive. I wonder what's going to happen in the future now that I'm here.

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