Chapter 2

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10 minutes later and the two boys had arrived at the coffee shop, stomachs craving food

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10 minutes later and the two boys had arrived at the coffee shop, stomachs craving food. Jeongguk held the door open for Taehyung as the elder stepped inside with a smile on his face.

They found a table situated in the corner as they sat down across from eachother, taking in the scenery of the cute cafe. Jeongguk removing his coat as he places it next to him, smiles at the boy in front of him, admiring his beautiful features. In his eyes, Taehyung was perfect. Everything about him was perfect. His eyes, his lips, his personality, his hair, his voice. Everything about Kim Taehyung was perfect in Jeongguk's eyes. He was mesmerising to look at.

"Why are you staring at me?" Taehyung asks, a blush creeping up onto his cheeks.
"H-hm? I-i'm not staring." The boy replies, chuckling nervously. Taehyung brushes it off and a waiter soon arrives, pen in her hand.
"Ah Jeongguk! Nice to see you again." She says twirling a piece of her hair around her finger. Jeongguk smiles at her, nodding slightly.
"Nice too see you too, Lisa" he chuckles looking up at her, from the table. Tae sees the interaction and frowns slightly, knowing Lisa's feelings towards to boy.
"Your usual?"
She says giggling. Jeongguk continues to smile, nodding as he does and the waiter walks away. He turns back to see Taehyung and finds him frowning.
"What's wrong?" He asks trying to find the root of the problem.
"Nothing. Just hungry" Taehyung replies, smiling at the boy, but Jeongguk could see it was more than that, the smile seemed fake. But he brushes it off, not wanting to upset the boy more as they wait for food.

After 2 minutes, Jeongguk is immediately bored, so he decides to entertain them both.
"Taehyung" he says looking at the boy in front of him, who seems rather interested in the art work around the cafe.
"Hm?" The aforementioned hums looking at him.
"You look really nice today." Jeongguk says with a smile. Taehyung looks at him almost in shock as a blush creeps along his face, his cheeks redder than a tomato.
"T-thanks." He says, mentally cursing himself for stuttering. The younger smiles at his reaction, giggling slightly.

"Heres your food" Lisa says, interrupting the boys interactions. She places two plates on the table, a slice of strawberry cream cake on each. Along with that she places two cups of hot chocolate in front of the two. Their mouths are open practically drooling at the delicious food in front of them.

Taehyung instantly grabs a plate with the cake on and shoves a huge piece of the delicious food into his mouth, smiling widely at the mouth watering taste. Jeongguk laughs and reaches over to ruffle the boys hair, causing the latter to blush.
"Be careful, I don't want you to choke" Jeongguk says, a hint of care in his voice, as he also takes a piece of cake, his much smaller, placing it into his mouth. Taehyung nods and chews slower, listening to the boy. He takes a sip of his hot chocolate, and looks at Tae, watching as he shoves more cake into his mouth, his cheeks becoming like a squirrels. He laughs and the aforementioned looks at him.
"What?" He says, cheeks full of strawberry cream cake, although it becomes muffled from the amount he has shoved in his mouth.
"Nothing, you just look cute with your cheeks filled like that." Jeongguk returns, continuing to lightly giggle at the elder.

15 minutes later and both boys were finished with their food and drinks, and were left staring at each other, admiring the beauty in front of them. Jeongguk clears his throat and stands up, trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.
"We should probably head back to yours. Jimin texted saying he wants to play video games with us, Yoongi stood him up again." He says, a slight hint of excitement laced in his voice.
Taehyung nods and stands up, watching Jungkook place some money on the table as he frowns, not wanting the moment to end.

Both boys walk out the coffee shop, Jeongguk saying a quick goodbye to Lisa and they head back to Taehyung's place. The doors unlocked and they both walk inside taking off their shoes, heading straight to Jimin's room to play said video games. And that's exactly what they do for the rest of the night. Play video games. Neither of them speaking a word to each other unless it was to yell at the others for not doing something right.

It gets to 4am and Taehyung falls asleep. Jeongguk carries him to his room and takes off his trousers, leaving him in just his boxers and his shirt. He takes a second to admire the sleeping beauty before placing a kiss on his forehead, whispering a quiet "good night TaeTae" and walking out his room, closing the door and heading to the guest room to sleep.

Jeongguk lies down on the bed, lying in just his boxers. Thoughts of the day fill his mind, as he thinks about everything that's happened. A smile creeps up onto his face as Taehyung's face as he drinks his hot chocolate, getting cream on his nose. Jeongguk laughed at this, licking his thumb slightly and reaching over, wiping it away. A crimson blush crept onto his face and Jeongguk smiled. With that he falls asleep, smiling to himself as he thinks 'I love Kim Taehyung, and I think he loves me too'

[A/N] Okay so this is chapter 2. Heh thanks for reading. I'm so sorry it took so long to publish but I low-key love how this chapter turned out, I really like it. I'm currently also working on 2 more chapters so hopefully I can publish them soon. I like how this story's going but heh I keep getting writers block so welp. Anyways, gonna go and write some more chapters now cause I have ideas and motivation. See y'all in the next one, byeeee💜 (⌒▽⌒)

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