Chapter 1 New School, New Identity

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The car pulled up and Sabre and his parents got out. You see, the boy was abused all his life. He never knew why. 

"Get out." His mom said with no emotion. His dad glared at him in the mirror. The brunette got out and waited for them to get out too. 

His mom unlocked the door and walked in, his dad close behind. "Don't bother asking which room is yours. Your dad already set up your room. It's called the garage." She said pointing at the door. Sabre got the hint and walked in. 

There was a small dresser, a pillow and a bookshelf in the room. He walked to the dresser and opened the top drawer. It had two blankets and another pillow in it.

He grabbed a blanket and layed down on the floor where the pillow was and fell asleep. A little while later, he heard pots and pans clanging in the kitchen and the smell of fried chicken was in the air. He curled up in a ball knowing he wouldn't get any.

The boy was severely underweight but he believed he didn't deserve food. he always thought he was a waste of everything.

After a couple hours, the house was quiet and dark. Sabre tried to fall asleep. He managed to sneak a little mint colored bunny past his parents. He cuddled it, falling asleep.

(A/N- First, sorry it's short. I'm on Vacay. Second, Did anyone get it at the end. 'Flying Mint Bunny'- England- Hetalia? Anyone? No? Ok, I'll stop.)

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