Part 1: Chapter 1

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Copyright © 2012 Nicole Mckoy

Three Years Later

Monica was running so late to work. She had to get her son KJ to the childcare center after taking all morning trying to get him to change out of his pajamas. In the end he kept on the pajama bottoms and just changed into a cars t-shirt. KJ was going through his terrible twos phase and it was not pretty. “Mommy will pick you up this afternoon,” Monica said. She walked her son into the childcare center giving him a hug and kiss goodbye before rushing to catch a taxi. She had to get across town to her new job at sports news daily. It was going to be her first day so she needed to be on time even though that was looking to be impossible.   

When Monica graduated college with her bachelors in English she thought she’d be a bestselling author not a sports writing columnist. She couldn’t complain though she had responsibilities and couldn’t sit around hoping to have a novel of hers published when her rent was due and her son needed cloths, food, and more. 

The taxi pulled up the SND office just five minutes before Monica would be considered late. Monica paid the driver and rushed inside. She ran to the elevators just as one was closing. “Hold the elevator,” Monica yelled running to the closing door. A hand held the door just before it closed. Monica was grateful and ran inside pressing the level button she needed. “Thanks,” Monica said. She was fumbling with things in her hands and didn’t look up. “You’re welcome,” a male voice said. Monica shifted the things in her hands so she wouldn’t drop anything just as the elevator stopped on her level. 

As the doors opened Monica ran out of the elevator and down the hall. She had two minutes to get to her office and clock in. She ran through the hall and slowed down just as she approached her office. She opened the door and walked through calm and collected passing the receptionist giving a small wave. As Monica got to her desk and sat everything down she straightened out her blouse and pencil skirt taking a seat. She quickly logged on to her computer and clocked it just as the clock strike ten am. Monica let out a breath she had been holding since she ran out of the taxi and inside the building.

“Monica.” Monica looked up from her desktop to see her boss standing beside her. “Yes Mrs. Ranger,” Monica answered. 

“I have your first assignment I would like it if you came into my office so we can discuss it.” 

Monica got up from her desk and followed her boss to her office. Monica was excited and nervous. She hoped her first assignment would be something big and worth her efforts. “Ok close the door and take a seat,” Mrs. Ranger ordered. Monica closed the office door taking a seat in one of the available chairs in front of her boss’s desk.

“Ok so I’m just going to get to the point. There is a new point guard coming to the Knicks team from the Lakers. He and his fiancé have just moved here and we need a story done about his transition and move. He is said to maybe staring in his own reality series or something but none of that is confirmed. So I just need you to get his backstory and current story. Now I’ve set up the conference room for you to talk to him in for he time being. For the most part after today you’re going to be going around with him day by day for the next couple months witnessing his transition first hand. You will also interview his fiancé a few times getting her input on the move and everything. You write the sports stories that are of gossip and entrainment so make sure to get some good personal details. Finding a scandal within his relationship with his fiancé that would be great as well. I know that sounds cut throat but that’s the business. So that’s all, he should be meeting you in the conference room when he arrives.” 

Monica took her new assignment with stride. It wasn’t completely what she’d hoped for but it sounded interesting enough. Monica gathered what she needed and walked into the conference room. There was no one in there when she arrived so she had time to prepare some questions to ask. 

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