Part 2: Chapter 2

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Copyright © 2012 Nicole Mckoy

Monica had been able to get the final details for the wedding set up that she needed Kevin’s input on. Everything was set up and ready to go and now all that was left was to wait until the big day. 

Since their wedding was all together it was time for their bachelor and bachelorette parties. Kevin’s guy friends were planning his and Monica’s friends were playing hers.

“Our bachelor and bachelorette parties are tonight and your parents will be taking care of KJ, right?” Monica asked Kevin.  

Monica and Kevin’s parents were already in town for the wedding. Kevin was paying for them to stay in a nice hotel where they wouldn’t be bothered. 

“Yes. My parents wanted to spend time with us tomorrow after the parties tonight,” Kevin said taking a seat next to Monica. They were both just relaxing in the living room. 


“Because they haven’t seen you in a while and they want to catch up.” 

“Ok that’s fine just give me the time and place.” 

“We’re going together so why do you need to know the place?” 

“Kevin tomorrow I have to go to the studio to meet my new co-host. I told you that, days ago. I have to go in for a quick meeting and then I’ll be able to just meet up with you and your parents.”

“I thought you started your work stuff after the wedding.” 

“I am. This meeting is just a meeting to get the details settled. There is no real work involved yet.” 

“Alright. I’ll tell my parents about your meeting so they can decided on a time.” 

“That works. So about this bachelor party, there will be no strippers right.”

“Baby I told the guys not to have any strippers. But you know this rule goes for you too right.” 

“Babe. I hate male strippers they are gross and the whole experience is just awkward.” 

“You know I could be your very own personal stripper.” Kevin teased. 

“Ha-Ha very funny but you don’t strip that tends to be my job in the bedroom.” 

“Of course its your job you do it so well.” Kevin said kissing her cheek. 

“Yeah well you’ll be having to wait a while for that kind of show again Kev.”  

“I’ll be counting down the days.” 

Monica and Kevin spent the day just spending time together with their son at home. When it became time for their bachelor and bachelorette parties they got dressed and got KJ ready to go with his grandparents. He was staying the night in the hotel with Kevin’s parents so Monica packed up the things that he would need. 

“Are you excited to see your grandparents?” Monica asked KJ.

“Mommy I don’t know them,” KJ said. 

KJ knew Monica’s parents more than he knew Kevin’s parents. But since Kevin told his parents about KJ they have tried to get to know him as much as they could in such a short period of time. 

“Sweetheart you will get to know them. You also know that at anytime you can call mommy ok,” Monica said. 

KJ nodded and took his father’s hand. 

“Bye baby I’ll see you tonight,” Kevin said to Monica. He was dropping KJ off with his parents before he went to his bachelor party. 

“Bye. Make sure he’s not crying or pouting when you drop him off,” Monica said. She gave Kevin and KJ a kiss then went out to her car. 

That One Night (Interracial Adult Romance Series) SAMPLEWhere stories live. Discover now