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||𝕋𝕙𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕕𝕒𝕪, 𝕄𝕒𝕪 𝟡𝕥𝕙, 𝟚𝟘𝟙𝟠||

||𝔹𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍||

When Edwin first told us about Jocelyn, I was all for letting her stay, but of course, Simon had to agree. It took nearly driving over to him and begging on our knees to get him to agree, but he did. When I talked to her on the phone yesterday, damn, she is fine. But she's even finer in person. She has cocoa skin, only slightly darker than Edwin's, curly brown hair with rose gold tips, hazel eyes with long eyelashes, freckles that are just slightly darker than her skin color, full, beautiful lips, and she's short. Like really short. Maybe 5'1", 5 foot. She has a slim waist, big hips and thighs, and big breasts. You get the picture. I wake up this morning, literally at 3 am, 'cause I hear noises outside, like somebody's playing basketball. I look out the window and see her shooting hoops out there all by herself. "Good morning." I say when I walk up to her. She turns around and either she's just naturally this gorgeous or she already had time to put on makeup at 3 am. "Good morning. What are you doing out here?" She asks me. Um, I'm trying to get with you, isn't it obvious? Of course, I don't say that out loud, only in my head. "Shouldn't I be asking you that? Seeing as though you're out here shooting hoops at 3 am." I tell her, raising an eyebrow at her adorable obliviousness. "Actually, I've been out here since 2, but let's go with 3. But that's not an answer to my question 'cause I know why I'm out here, but clearly, you do not." She says, smirking. "Fair point. I woke up to you shooting hoops." I tell her. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Was I that loud?" She says, sincerely. "No,you're good. Wanna play a one-on-one?" I ask her. She tosses me the ball, as a yes to my question. "You ready to have your ankles officially broken?" She asks me, challenging me. "Oh, princess, it's not my ankles that are going to be broken." I tease her. She smirks with a determined face. I start to dribble and she inches closer to me, slowly. I go to dribble around her, but suddenly the ball's not in my hands anymore. It's in hers, around me, up towards the hoop, and straight in the net, no backboard or anything. "Ooh, how your ankles feel. Are they broken yet? They look a little crooked." She trash talks me. "You keep talking like that princess and there's gonna be consequences, mad consequences." I say. "Oh, is the princess gonna call her guards to put her in the wambulance. Wahh, wahh, wahh!" She continues to trash talk to me, and I warned her. "Alright princess, I warned you." I say, then I walk up to her, put her over my shoulder, and carry her inside. "No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I will never call you princess again. I promise" She says. "Okay." I almost put her down then she comes really close to my ear and whispers. "Pretty, pretty princess." "Alright, that's it." I put her down on the ouch and tickle her. "No- no- stop... stop- tickling- m-ah!"I still tickle her for a few more seconds then I stop and sit down next to her. "Thank you, Brandon." She says out of nowhere. "For what?" I ask her. "For everything, you and the rest of the boys have really made me feel at home, but you've been especially nice to me. So thank you." She says, laying her head on my shoulder. "Anytime princess." I say. And this time I can feel her cheeks heat up. "Wanna watch something?" I ask her, turning on the TV. "You can choose, I don't really care."  I turn on Netflix scroll through shows. I get to On My Block and hit play. "Yo, this is my favorite show. No cap." She says. After a few episodes, she's out. And not long after, I am too.

||𝕁𝕠𝕔𝕖𝕝𝕪𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍||

"Shh, you're gonna wake them up!" Zion says. "Wake who up?" I ask, without opening my eyes. And when I finally do, I'm glad I did. Brandon's has a slight smile on his face, but he's definitely smiling. His head is on mine, and mine is on his shoulder. I'm not gonna lie, he's cute. He is really cute. But I'm not gonna tell him that. "What are ya'll doing?" I ask the boys with very guilty faces. "uM, nOtHiNg!" Worst liar on the face of the fucking universe, aka, Edwin. "uM, nOtHiNg." I mimic him in a whiny voice. "As if. Now, Edwin, what are you doing?" I ask. I know Edwin's probably the weak link. "We.. we're um... we're-"I cut him off. "What, you're what?" At this point, they're testing my patience. "Wetookpicturesofyouandbroandoncuzyoulookedsocutejustlayingtherelikeandadorablemarriedcoupleandwehadtotakeapictureandwepostedit." He says really fast in one sentence, but I've had practice with him for years, so I know exactly what he just said. "You-oooh boy you better run-you posted a picture of me and Brandon while we were sleeping! Do- augh- you know what, you better run, you better run boy!" I yell at him as I get up and chase him around the house, and when I get him, he probably wishes I didn't. I take his phone and put it in my shirt. "You are not getting that back, okay. This is mine till tomorrow. And if any of ya'll," I say to the rest of the boys. "Test my patience, you better believe your phone is mine too. Capice?" They all nod. I go back into the living room, and I'm pissed so when Brandon tries to talk to him I simply reply with, "Not right now Brandon." I walk up to my room and shower to get all the sweat off my body, I feel disgusting. I turn the heat all the way up. I play my Halsey playlist and turn that all the way up too. When I get out there's a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yell while wiping off my face mask. The door creaks open and Brandon pops his head in. "Hey, um, is this a bad time?" He asks, but more to my body than to my face. "Hey, um, my face is up here Brandon." I tell him more amused than angry. "Uh, yeah, of course. I was wondering if, uh, you wanted to come to the mall with us?" He asks, blushing. "Yeah, let me get dressed and I'll be right there." I tell him. He leaves with one last glance in the mirror at me. I don't realize I'm blushing till I look in the mirror. "Goddammit Brandon, what have you done to me?" I ask myself. I put on my favorite shirt, an alien eating pizza with "What else would we eat?" written underneath. I look through my closet and find ripped jeans. I walk downstairs and look for my phone. When I find it I decide I need a new one because my current one is cracked as hell. I find Edwin in the kitchen and start feeling bad. "Edwin, come here." I call to him. "You know I'm usually strict on you but I feel bad so... here." I give him his phone back. He hugs me and says thank you and goes to do god knows what. "Alright, people lets go!" Zion yells from the door. We hop in their car and drive. When we get there we decide to either split up or all go together. Zion and Austin go to look at GameStop, Edwin and Nick disappear to who knows where and Brandon and I decide to walk around doing nothing in particular. When we get to the Apple store we walk inside and I look through new phones and other electronics. "You know, if it's not too expensive, the new iPhone X just came out, if you wanted to get that." Brandon suggests.  I look for one and try out the schematics and such. I also check out the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus. "Um, I think I'm gonna get the 8 Plus, the X seems too new and I want to wait and see if they make improvements. What about you, do you wanna get anything?" I ask Brandon. "Um, Nah. Let's go get you your phone and then we can look for a case. Kay." And we do. The phone cost me a bit but it was worth it. And we're walking and looking for a store that sells phone cases I scroll through Pinterest on my old phone (my new one isn't set up yet) and look for phone cases I might like. I decide that I'm going to buy a lot of cute stickers on Amazon tonight. I buy a clear one with white edges so it matches my white phone. We walk to a little coffee shop and order a Cafe con Leche and Brandon orders a Latte and turns it into more sugar and creamer than coffee. "Um, you trying to get diabetes?" I ask him. "No, I just like sweet coffee. Wanna try?" He asks. "No, but you can try mine." I offer him a sip, he takes it and he either had a seizure or has never drunk Cafe con Leche. "Good right?" I ask. He nods his head and looks through the menu. You down for a little sweet treat? Doughnuts, pastries, tarts?' He asks. "I am, I don't know if you are." I joke with him. He orders two cream filled doughnuts for me and two Apple Crumb doughnuts for him. We start to set up my phone when he gets a text from Nick to meet him and Edwin at Urban Outfitters. we walk over there and Nick calls Brandon over, so I search for clothes I like. I find a couple of t-shirts and hoodies. Brandon finds me while I'm looking at some really cute but extremely revealing ripped jeans. "Those look good on you." He says. "Yeah, but they reveal a lot." Tell him. "What's wrong with that?" He asks, failing at hiding the fact that he's bitting his lip. This kid, I swear. "Fine. I'll get them if you pay for them." I joke. He immediately grabs them and walks away, towards the register. "I was joking! Brandon, Brandon give them back, I'll pay for them!" I attempt to grab them but he easily towers them over my head. "Tell you what, if you can get them out of my hands I'll let you pay." He holds them even higher. I jump up feeling like MJ in Space Jam. But he towers over me and my attempts fail, miserably. He continues to walk towards the register, pays, and walks towards me with the bag in his hand. "Asshole." I tell him as he walks away. "Adorable." He calls back to me. I try to keep myself from biting my lip. I fail. We meet up with the rest of the boys, shop some more, and then around 5 pm, we drive home. "Do you guys want me to make dinner again?" I ask them as I walk up the stairs. "Nah, don't worry, I got it!" Zion reassures me. I finish setting up my phone and take out the case, paints, and order a bunch of cute and aesthetic stickers. Once I'm done with that, I fill my closet with the many clothing items I bought today. There's a knock at the door. "Come in!" I yell. It's Edwin. "Hey." He doesn't respond, just sits down on my bed and stares at the wall. When he does finally speak, his words are harsh. "Jo, are you still drinking?" He doesn't look at me, he just continues to stare at the wall. "No... why?" He doesn't respond. "Edwin, I swear. I'm not. You know I only do that when my- she's around." He knows better than to ask who "she" is, he knows perfectly well who "she" is. "Edwin, why are you asking me this?" He explodes. "Because! It's obvious that Brandon likes you and I don't want him falling in a trap he might not get out of. Don't get me wrong, your an amazing person Jocelyn Diaz, but your addiction gets in the way and clouds your judgment sometimes. I just... ugh! I don't want you to hurt Brandon okay!?" He finishes and walks out and into the kitchen. I follow him. "Boys! I have an announcement!" They all look up from what they're doing and look at him. "Jocelyn... Jocelyn isn't who you think she is. She's an alcoholic and she doesn't know how to control her drinking." He begins to tell my entire life story in front of these boys that I've known for about two days now. He gets to the part about my parents and I stop him right there. "Edwin! Edwin stop! Stop!" The tears flow down my cheeks. I can't hold them in anymore. "Please... please just stop. I.. I can't lose the only people who have ever accepted me for who I am and have never pitied me. Please..." My knees go weak and eventually give out. Thankfully Brandon catches me. Despite my begging and pleading, Edwin continues. "... Her father abused her from a very young age and her mother never lo-" His voice stops. And for a second I dont know why. Then I realize Brandon has left my side, got up, and punched Edwin in the face. Edwin is cradling the side of his face. He's staring wide-eyed at Brandon. "Dude! She told you to stop! Do you think we care what she may or may not have done? What she may or may not have been through. We like her, just like this. We like her here, with us, singing and dancing and being happy. Why can't you accept that?" Then it hits me. they already knew. He already told them this whole story. And he did it behind my back, without permission. "You (sniffle) You already told them, didn't you?" he doesn't have to answer. His face says it all. "Oh my god! You... you promised that you would never tell anyone. But you did! I.. I think I'm gonna go to bed. Don't bother me. Any of you" I eye all of them. Except for Edwin, I avoid his gaze so he can't see all the hurt, all the pain in my eyes. And then I walk up to my room and I bury myself in the covers, and I stay there, for days.


OOh, Edwin fricked up you guys! Let us see what happens next!!!

Word Count: 2463 words

||𝔹𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕦𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝔻𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕤||Where stories live. Discover now