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𝔹𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

I wish I knew how to make it better for her. A girl like her, she deserved so much more than what she was given. She deserved to be happy, and loved, and cared for. The 12 people she had that actually loved her weren't enough. Now, now is when she will get what she deserved. I'll give her everything she deserved. I'll love her, and make her happy, and care for her always. And it starts now when she's laying in my arms, sleeping peacefully. "Hey. Jo, Princess. Wake up." Her hazel eyes flutter open. I love those eyes. They're always different colors. Today they're brown/green with green/blue in the center. "Hm?" Her eyes are open for maybe 10 seconds before they close again. "I'm still listening, just closing my eyes." Now or never. "Jo, you know, I was in a similar situation to you. My dad abused me and my twin sister Layla. When we were 9 he took it way too far."


"Fight back! Why won't you fight back, are you scared?"Christian taunted. "No, just please... don't hurt her," I spoke up. "Aw, the little weak pussy wants to protect his wittle sister. Fight me and I'll leave her alone!" He yelled. "No Brandon! Por favor, no hagas esto! Estoy bien, ¡no quiero que te lastimes!" Layla pleaded in Spanish. "Lo siento, Layla. Te amo más que a nada, y siempre lo haré. Si peleo contigo y me matas, no estaré allí para protegerla. Pero será mejor que no la lastimes o jures por Dios. Jayceon, Michel y Corbin te perseguirán y te matarán." I threaten him. My father smirks and throws a punch to my face. My nose starts to bleed and my lip is cut. I knee him in the stomach just like Jayceon taught me and he throws his head down and I knee him in the face. He falls with his face smeared in blood from his lip and nose as well. I jump on him and start to punch more and more. He eventually flips me over and starts punching me. I feel my body going limp until he stops. I see Layla behind him holding something. "Get up, now." She demands. He gets up and shifts enough for me to see the gun my 9-year-old sister is holding to his head. "Get out, ever hurt him again and I WILL, and I mean it when I say I WILL shoot you! And ever hurt me ag- hurt, fuck hurt, touch me again I will shoot you too! Get out of this house and never come back!" She screams with tears rolling down her cheek. "Can I get some of m-" She cuts his stupid question. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS HOUSE AND NEVER, EVER COME BACK!" She screams again. When mom comes back from a business trip a week later she finds broken things everywhere and a note.

Dear Bitch Of A Mother,

Me and Layla ran away, taking some money for plane tickets. Dad won't come home, and I hope you enjoy life without your twins. Although you didn't love me and Layla, we love you and we want you to know that. Goodbye,

Your Only Twins


"I'm so sorry for everything you had to go through but your sister sounds pretty badass. And hey, you not only have a twin too, but you also have a big brother named Jaceon. Do you spell it J-a-c-e-o-n or J-a-y-c-e-o-n?" Her reaction isn't like anyone else's. Everybody always makes comments about how reckless my sister was. The thing is, only Austin and Zion know. I never felt comfortable telling Edwin and Nick. I trust them but I was really young when I told Austin and Zion. " J-a-y-c-e-o-n. You?" "Bummer. J-a-c-e-o-n. But Brandon. Why are you telling me this? You don't have to make me feel better. I appreciate your efforts, I really do but, you don't have to tell me. It's your business, and yours to share if you choose to. Do you really trust me that much?" It takes me a second to think through my answer. "Yes, I trust you with all of me. And I know that may seem immature, but I just hope you trust in me too. You don't have to I just-" She kisses me. In between kisses, I'm able to get a few words out. "I- want- to- give - you- what- you- deserve." She continues to kiss me. "You're all I want. Whether I deserve you or not is up to you to decide. But I know I want you, that is for sure." Her words are all I need. "You're all I need. Well, except Sushi. I'll always need sushi, and you." She laughs. A real laugh, from within. "Tonight we can go wherever you were planning. I'll clear my very busy schedule of making food for you boys especially for you." I laugh and she laughs with me. I- I think I'm falling in love with her. I'm not sure yet, and I don't have the balls to tell her yet, but I'm nearly positive. "Welp, you woke me up at like 6 am, so, wanna do something?" You know, I am a dirty minded child because the first things that pop up in my head are not at all safe for a child's ears. "Umm, what do you want to, um, do?" I don't know if this girl is really gullible or just chose not to comment on my obviously disgusting thoughts. "I- can we just stay here for a little while longer?" The innocence about the thought of just laying here with her, just makes me fall farther into her. "No hay problema princesa. " She smiled at me. A few minutes later she got a call.

𝕁𝕠𝕔𝕖𝕝𝕪𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

I get a call. It's Jason. "Hey, Ace. What's up?" I hear beeping tough the line. Then I hear his sobs as he tries to get the words out. "Jo- There- There was an accident. Dad got out. He came here because Mom told him where we were and um... He..." "What, he what. What did he do?" "He shot Jackson and Jaziah. Jaziah didn't make it and Jackson's still in surgery. Can you." The rest of his words are drowned out. I'm crying my eyes out. Screaming and yelling at God for not saving them. For not knocking some sense in my father. "NOOO! NO. This can't be happening." At this point, all of the boys are in the room and Edwin is crying too. He hugs me and stays there. "Oh my god. I... I have to go there. I need to see him. I need to see Jaziah and watch over Jackson." The words fail me after that. I'm just choking on air and it's like everything's turned to poison. "No, you can't drive. I'll drive the two of you there." Zion looks determined with these words. He grabs the keys and we all drive to the hospital. Everything is a blur as we go through the desks in the navigation to where my brothers are. When we finally reach them it really hits me that Jaziah's not coming back. I see him over the years. Holding him the day he was born, the day I taught him to walk. The day he broke his knee riding his bike and I had to hold his hand as they shot him with the anesthetic. All of those images flood into my brain. I run straight into my older brothers' arms. They hold me but the only one crying is me. Then I see him. The shell of a little boy who just lost his twin brother. "Josiah, Josiah baby. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He doesn't respond. "Jo, why did daddy hurt Jaz? Is daddy sick? Why would he want to hurt Jaz? Or Jacky?" I don't know how to answer that question. I can't handle this pain. It is just too much. "Josiah. I'm gonna come home now. Daddy'll never hurt anyone again, okay?" He nods. "Boys, I love all of you. So much. I hope I'll see you again sometime. I love you." I hug them. I don't want this hug to end. I don't think I've ever cried so hard before. You know, when you lose a parent, you're an orphan. But what about when you lose a sibling? There's no word for that. There just isn't a way to describe that pain. "I need to go home. You guys should too. I love you." They all give me individual hugs. Brandon gives me his last. He hugs me and I kiss him. I can't let go of this kiss. I need to stop time at this moment. But I can't. So time moves on and the kiss ends and I watch him walk away. And that's how my free life in LA ends. I know I'll be back. I just don't know when.I love you Brandon and your sweet smile, and your warm perfect hugs, and your beautiful smile. I love you so much. I'll see you soon. Very soon.


I cried while writing this chapter because I knew what was gonna happen but it needed them to fall in love for it to make sense first. This story will continue in BEG||Nick Mara.

Word Count: 1572 words

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