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𝕎𝕖𝕕𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕕𝕒𝕪, 𝕄𝕒𝕪 𝟚𝟡, 𝟚𝟘𝟙𝟡

ℕ𝕚𝕔𝕜'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

Look, I'm happy for Brandon, I really am, which is why I chose not to bother him about what we talked about the day she got here. Edwin showed me a picture of Jocelyn like 5 months ago, I was hooked. She is so gorgeous, but apparently, I'm not her type. Either that or I didn't make my move on her soon enough. I just figured, she just got here and she probably just wants friends now, so I did that. I let Brandon have her, but if they don't work out, that's my chance, then I can be happy with her. It's just, Brandon liked her and I did too so we just did the may the best man win type of thing, but he told me he would let me know when he was gonna make a move on her, he never did. It's whatever, really.

ℤ𝕚𝕠𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

I like Jocelyn. She's really pretty and really nice. Also, she cooks amazing food, it is so good. I'm really glad she came to live with us. I also feel really bad for her and all she's had to go through her entire life, but I'm glad she had Edwin there with her, even if he was throwing her at walls. Now I want to be there for her, as much as I can. Last night I was getting the feeling that Nick was upset about something though. But every time I asked him what was wrong, he told me nothing was wrong and to go to sleep. So I did. What, I was tired!

𝔸𝕦𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

Jocelyn's really sweet. And she's an amazing cook. I love her food and I'm really glad she's out of her room again 'cause I was getting tired of Pizza and Sushi takeout every night. I think I should get a girlfriend so she can have a friend that's maybe not of the male gender. But she seems fine with hanging out with us guys. I mean, she was around boys her whole life, who could blame her.

𝔼𝕕𝕨𝕚𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍 

Jo and I are cool again. And I'm really happy about that. I'm also happy that she's happy. And that Brandon's happy. I'm happy that everyone's happy. But what I'm not happy about is that I'm hungry. I think I'm gonna ask Jo if she can make me some food.

𝕁𝕠𝕔𝕖𝕝𝕪𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

"Jo! Jo! Jo, can you make me a sandwich?" This idiot, can't even make a sandwich without nearly burning the house down. Tisk tisk tisk. "Yes Edwin, I will make you a sandwich." I hear him yell thank you from wherever he is and make a mental note to teach the boys how to cook. "I want a sandwich too Jo!" "Okay Zion, I'll make you a sandwich too." "Me too." "Do you all want sandwiches?" "Yes please, Jo!" Their unison is so funny. I'm making grilled cheeses when Brandon walks down the stairs and sits at the island bar. "Jo... I was wondering, do you want to do something with me tonight?" "Like what?" A smile played on his lips. "Well, there's this really good Brazilian place if that's what you like?" "Surprise me." He nods and walks away. "Sandwiches are ready boys!" In a matter of seconds, they're all at the island scarfing down their sandwiches. I laugh at their weirdness. The doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" Edwin gets up and walks to the door. "Hello?" "I'd like to talk to my sister Edwin." I know that voice like the back of my hand. The thing is the owner of that voice is supposed to be in jail. "Jackson!? Is that really you?" His signature lopsided smile is plastered across his face. "Well, not just me. He moves to reveal all of my brothers. Jaziah and Josiah run up to me and successfully knock me over. "What are you all doing here?" I'm slightly tearful. "Oye, no crying! We're here for 3 weeks. There's nothing left in school so we came here. Obviously, we'll be staying at a hotel. But it's only like 11 minutes from here. We wanted to surprise you, I did especially. My lawyer got me out. They found the guys who actually did it! I don't have to do the other 5 years. So I decided, I need to see my baby sister. ¡Y mirarte! ¡Creciste mucho! ¿Cuándo fue la última Vez que te vi, hace dos años? Te extrañé mucho." "Yo también te extrañé, Jackson. ¿Has hablado con mamá? A Ella no le importa que me haya ido, ¿verdad?" "No, pero ¿por qué te importa lo que Ella piensa? Estás aquí ahora. Con tu mejor amigo y otros 4 niños que podrían tener un problema conmigo si tocan a mi hermanita." "Oh shut up you big overprotective idiot and give me a freaking hug!" And he does. It's the best hug I've gotten in the past 2 years that he's been in jail serving time for a crime he didn't commit. "Give me a hug, all of you!" Now, this is the best hug I've ever gotten. I'm smiling and crying and I'm just so happy that all of my brothers are here, together. "Jason, get over here," I call my twin brother as Edwin talks to the boys, Jaziah and Josiah chained to his legs. "So, you see the resemblance?" I ask Brandon, Nick Austin, and Zion. Zion is the only one capable of talking to him face to face. "Damn, ya'll sure you twins? What are you? 6'2"?" Jason laughs. I've always been the odd one out. All of my brothers are taller than me. Except for Josiah and Jaziah who are 4'9", but they will be soon enough. But when I came out, they thought I had dwarfism. The truth is I was just a really tiny baby, nothing more. "Actually I'm 6'1" but still taller than this koala bear." Oh, he is so dead. "Míralo Jason. No quieres meterme en mi lado malo." He knows I mean it and shuts up. "So... You got any embarrassing photos of her?" Zion asks.  My face burns up because I know he has one particular photo that I do not want any of them seeing. "No, he doesn't. Jason, why dont you go, like, somewhere else?" He takes the warning and walks away. "So, now you've met my family. What do you think? I know they can be a bit much and the little twins are crazy and rambunctious and Jacks-" "Dude, they're awesome! I wish I had your brothers. You are s lucky to have them!" Austin is like, staring at my brothers in awe. "Thanks, Zion. That means a lot. Anyway, go, and make friends with my weird brothers. I'll get started on dinner." And they do. "What to make, what to make." I'm racking my brain trying to figure out what I can make. Then I remember. Shit! Brandon! And like he read my mind, he's there, seconds later coming and wrapping his arms around me. "Hey." He doesn't sound upset or mad at me. "Brandon. I know I told you that we could do something tonight and I'm so sorry it's just now that Jacksons back and everything I jus-" "Sh, it's fine, we can do it another time, I promise." "Okay, but I'm making it up to you tonight." I realize what this kids dirty mind is probably thinking. I'm making Sushi.

|| 𝟛 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤 𝕃𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣 ||

"Dinner's ready kids!" "Oye, as soon as you're older than me, even by a day, you can call me kid." Jackson says jokingly. "Alright, kids and the one old man." Everyone laughs. "Holy Shit! Did you make Sushi?" Brandon is practically drooling. "Yes, I did Brandon. Yes I did." "I would like to lead prayer tonight. It's been a while since I've had a proper family meal." "Go ahead, Jackson." "Okay. En el nombre del padre, el hijo y el espíritu santo. A menos que seamos, oh señor, y estos regalos que estamos a punto de recibir, y tu recompensa, en Cristo nuestro señor. Amén. En el nombre del padre, del hijo y del espíritu santo. Let us eat!" And we do. It's a meal full of laughter and smiles and delicious food. Later on, my brothers leave and we promise that we'll meet up sometime soon. I head upstairs and shower. I'm laying in bed watching Netflix when I get the sudden urge to cry. For a moment I dont know why I'm crying. I think they're not sad tears, but happy tears. I don't want to be alone tonight, not at all. I stepping carefully down the hall when I hear a bedroom door creak open behind me. "Jo? What are you doing?" His beautiful brown eyes are drowned in sleep. "Nothing. I just couldn't sleep so I started watching Netflix and out of nowhere, I started crying. And I thought it was tears of joy, but now I'm not so sure. If Jackson got out that could mean that my dad might too and I-" He holds me and whispers lies in my ear. Everything is not going to be okay, I will not be fine, and I'm never safe, no matter how far away from Rikers Island I am. He carries me back to my room. "I'll be here, as long as you need me. I won't leave your side, no matter what."


OOH, drama! Who should Jocelyn be with? Let us find out.

Word Count: 1594 words

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