35 - Is This It?

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 "I want my gold!" The Hound bellows as Thoros hands him a piece of paper, suggesting that he will get paid when the war is over. Whenever that will be.

"Piss on that! You're nothing but thieves!" He then began to growl which only made Anguy laugh.

Non-surprisingly, Sandor launched himself towards the archer, making him stumble backwards and Thoros restraining Sandor.

Alia stood quietly, dry blood now forming around her nostrils from when Sandor struck her. If he saw it was her, he probably wouldn't have hit her and only scowled at her but she was leaning against the cave wall beside Beric who was still bandaging himself up.

"He's a murderer! He's guilty!" Arya bellowed, still unpleased with the result of the trial. She was slightly happy that Beric was alive and so was Alia but that can't be said the same for Sandor, well, in Arya's defence.

"Not in the eyes of God he's not." Beric mumbles and before Arya can protest some more, Beric yelled 'enough' which shut everyone up.

"Go in peace, Sandor Clegane." Beric muses whilst Anguy throws his sword towards him, allowing his weapons back.

Before Sandor's head is covered, he turns towards Alia who was facing the floor, guilt rising within her that she isn't going with him.

"Can I speak to the woman, alone?" Sandor asks, quite impatiently.

Alia looked up and over to Beric who was already looking back at her before slightly nodding and soon the cave started to clear out leaving just the two of them.

"What are you doing? Staying here with those pricks or with me?"

Alia shuffled her feet awkwardly as she looks everywhere but at him and gives a small shrug.

"I-I don't have a choice Sandor... Arya's here and I swore to her mother and father that I will always protect them. I can't leave her." She whispers, finally making eye contact with the large man which only made him scoff.

Shocked by his reaction, Alia arches her eyebrow and glances him a judging look. "What?"

"You're not staying for her, you're staying for that arse." She grumbles lowly, nodding towards Beric which made Alia tense up and shake her head dismissively.

He wasn't wrong, she did want to stay with him because somehow, she felt safer with him but she was mainly staying for Arya. Like she said, she promised Arya and Sansa's parents she will look after them until she dies and she does not intend to break that promise anytime soon. Despite leaving Sansa in Kings Landing but that was what Sansa commanded for her to do and so she obeyed.

"I'm staying for Arya."

"Give it a rest girl, I saw you both."

Sandor's words didn't come out aggressively but more hurt than anything else. Alia looked into his eyes, an unreadable expression on his face but she could tell he was becoming agitated.

"Why would it bother you if I kissed him? We like one another." Alia argues, crossing her arms over her chest, feeling anger boiling up inside her at his arrogance.

"So? He can't keep you safe. I just killed him!"

"And he's alive... again." Alia states, still feeling weirded out about how he did come back to life. "Plus, at least he won't hurt me." She mutters more to herself but Sandor heard.

He looked down at the scarred woman and quickly grabbed her cheek with his left hand, making her face him. She didn't flinch at his touch but she almost flinched at his crazed stare.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Alia-"

"Alianora." She corrects him brutally, pushing his hand away from her.

"I didn't mean to hurt you... Alianora." He states again, him too crossing his arms over his chest as he looks at the scarred woman.

"I saved your life and you saved mine."

"What kind of safety am I in if we are out there trying to save one another. I'd rather be here where no harm will come my way. With Beric, Thoros, Arya and his men. Even the bloody archer."

Sandor listens to her but he doesn't know how much more he can bare from her. Her words were carving into him like a cake. Easily.

"We can make it work." He rages defensively, almost pleading her to not stay there.

Alia hears his voice crack but he brushes it off like its nothing but she heard it. It was probably the only time she saw sadness within The Hound but she didn't understand why. She didn't realise how lonely he was until she travelled with him for months. Just the two of them.

"We? What are you doing Sandor?" She whispers, reaching out to touch his arm but he quickly snatches it away from her making her quickly pull her arm back from his sudden movements and breathes out a small puff of hair, feeling tension in the air.

"We could have been something. If you would have had me. If you would have liked me like I liked you. All this time."

Her eyes went wide at his words and she stumbled backwards, feeling sick to the stomach.

"You're lying to me." She persists, shaking her head and looking away from him but he takes a step closer to her, his breath heavy from the hard thumping of his heart against his ribcage.

"I am not. I would never lie to you."

Alia takes one last look at him, her lip quivering a little, not really sure what she should do. The most fearful man has just declared his feelings for her and not too long ago the man she loved did the same. She was stuck between the two but she had to do what she believed was right.

"I'm staying Sandor... I'm sorry."

Sandor's jaw clenched a little and he wanted to scream and take Beric's head off but it was no good. He couldn't make her like him and that was that. The closest they came were friends and even after this, he feels like that won't happen anymore.

He takes one last look at her, shakes his head and returns back over to the Brotherhood, a cloth is draped over his head and he is ushered out of the cave leaving Alia and her dangerous thoughts all alone.

Was she really doing the right thing?

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