Chapter 1

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I was on the edge of my seat when the last ten seconds of the game started.
It was all or nothing for our team.
14 - 15.

That's where were at right now. If they score a 2 pointer we win.
Justin throws the ball to Blake. The whole crowd cheers him up because we all know that he's the best at scoring a 2 pointer.
He catches the ball and runs to the other side of the field.

He throws the ball at the 2 point line.
Without realizing what happened I get up with everyone else and cheer.
I look at the field seeing that the ball went in the goal.

I run downstairs to the barricades that holds me back from going on the field.
Blake takes of his helmet and looks at me.

I wave at him and nod with my head, letting him know he did amazing.

He blows a kiss at me and before he knows it he's up in the air on the shoulders of his team mates.

"Come on Brie, let's go." I hear Ashton say.
I turn around and walk over to him.

We meet up with Christina and Dex outside the field.

"I'll meet you guys at their after party, I'm going to find Blake." I told them and walked off to school.

"Hey baby." I hear Blake's voice behind me.
I turn around seeing him still in his Lacrosse outfit.

"You did amazing." I say as I walk over to him. "Are you coming to the after party?"

"There is an after party?" He said confused.
I nodded my head. "Where is it?"
We started walking to the boys locker room.

"It's at the beach. They have a bonfire and everything." I stopped before he walked in the locker room.

"I'll be there. I'm going to get a shower first." He kissed my forehead and walked in the room.

10.32 PM

"So, it's almost over."
Justin suddenly begins.
"What is?"

"The year, stupid." He throws his empty cup at Blake.

"Drunk already?"
I stop Justin.

"We really just started this year. So, let's not." Blake says.

All of our heads turn around when we hear a kid scream. I get up from the sand and ran the where it came from.

A kid, who looked like a junior, was being pushed into the bonfire.

"Jesus guys! What the fuck!" I ran over to them. "Stop!" I yell again.

They let go of the kid and he runs away.
"Ruining all the fun, Brie."
One of the guys, who was obviously drunk, said.

"We weren't planning on actually throwing him in." The other one said.

"You're drunk, you really don't have control of your own actions." I roll my eyes and walk back.

"I hate you!" One of the guys spits at me.
"Did you just spit on me?" I turned back around facing them.

Mirrors {Daniel Seavey}Where stories live. Discover now