The Cove

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Hi! I was in a good mood and I wanted to write something. So I wrote this fanfic! It's a Toothcup fanfic. The different thing is... Both Toothless and Hiccup are dragons! This is the first serious fanfic I do (except for Cold As Ice, what was a really short fanfic I did on instagram.) so sorry if it's bad! xD

I do not own Toothless, Hiccup or any of the other dragons that are named.

Hiccup is just a mixed up verision of the dragons that are named.

They belong to: (c) Cressida Cowell and (c) Dreamworks

Sorry for my bad english! Please tell me my spelling mistakes so I can correct them!

And please leave a comment of what you'd think about this chapter! And what would make it better. Thank you

Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 1

The Cove

The black dragon flied over the green forest as fast as he could. Witch was not so fast, because his tail was since two moon cycles ago injured. He hated the two-legged creatures. They did not breath fire with their mounths, they had weird wood-thing to throw stones on fire against the dragons. They had sharp sticks that buried down in the enemies flesh and hurted them badly. They also lived many at one place, with a lot of food and in some strange shelters, dens or whatever they called it. The dragon had been hit with one of these sticks, in his tail and it was still there.

He had to steal food. If the gigantic queen dragon didn't get enough food from her slaves, someone would die. He had lived with another's queen before, in the same nest. He had called her Irene, "Peace", because she was so kind to everybody. She was a good leader. Caught her food herself, maked sure everyone's bellys was full and kept them all safe. But one day, another queen showed up and challenged Irene. The evil queen won. Irene was old and weak, and the stranger was young and strong. Every dragon mourned the good queens death, and a new life of darkness begun.

They started to call her Morana, "Death". Morana stayed in the nest all the time, made all the dragons to slaves and forced them to raid villages of their food. Morana did not accept fish as Irene did. Morana wanted sheep, dogs, cats, yaks or even those two-legged wingless things. If she still was hungry she ate dragons, showing no mercy. All dragons in her nest was frightned. And Morana controlled them. Not as the alpha - he had heard about big dragons that could control every dragon he met - , more like a bee queen controls her workers. Either way she was dangerous.

The black dragon contineud flying. He must be back in a few days to the nest and bring Morana food. He hadn't been to the queens kingdom for almost two months now, and his tail was in the way to get there. He was too weak to fly to the nest. But he had to. Or else there was a chance somebody had to die.

The black dragon looked for a place to land. He saw a cove nearby and flied carefully down there. It was dark, but he still saw good. He was a dark flier, or night fury as the twolegged called him, for all gods sake! It was beautiful. A shallow lake covered the biggest part of the cove, stones and fallen trees laid on the ground where it was no water. A waterfall flowed from the cliffwalls down in the lake, trees was growing all over the place. Good, if he needed to hide he wouldn't be seen that easy. He took a deep breath and scented the air. He felt the smell of trees, leaves, fishes, water, mosses, stones, insects, a deer somewhere nearby. He exhaled.

The black dragon blasted with his hot breath a circle on the ground to make it warmer. He then curled up in the circle and rested his head on his paws. He closed his eyes and relaxed. He listened to all the sounds and kept smelling in the air. And then he felt it. An unknown scent. He raised his head and his ears went up straight. He listened intently and heard a noise. He stood up, pulled out his intractible teeth, spreaded out his wings to look bigger and growled loud.

"I know you are there. Come out where I can seee you." The dragon hissed to the darkness. He scented again and took up the smell of timberjack, deadly nadder, monsterous nightmare, changewing and something more. He heard a swoosh and he understood that the thing hiding in the shadows was going to attack. He could smell it was a dragon, and it was a young male, younger than him.

"What are you doing here?" The black dragon said, searching in the dark to find the other dragon, feeling the wind of the other dragon running.

"What are YOU doing here? Who are you? Are you going to hurt me?" A voice said from the darkness. The voice was shaky and the black dragon realised that the dragon in the shadows was afraid. But this was his cove.

"I just wanted somewhere to rest. I am not going to hurt you. My name is Toothless." The older male said. Toothless saw a pair of big, green-greyish eyes in the dark.

"And you are..?" Toothless asked, staring at the eyes.

"I.. I'm Hiccup." What a stupid name, Toothless thought. If it wasn't because this was a serious situation, he'll sure had laughed. Toothless growled to the green eyes when they came closer. The eyes dissapered.

"Are YOU going to hurt ME?" Toothless hissed. He looked out in the darkness again, trying to find the other dragon.

"N-no." The shaky voice said, and Toothless heard that Hiccup was a little bit further away this time.

"Then show your self!" Toothless growled loud.

"I show myself if you do!" Hiccup growled back, even though his voice cracked a little. Toothless was surprised. He was not hiding. But then he realised. His scales was black, and the only thing the other dragon could possible see was Toothless's emerald colored eyes and his shadow reflected by the fire circle. But could not this dragon see in the dark? Most dragons could, except timberjacks. They did not see well. Toothless shooted a small plasma blast in front of him and stood close to the purple fire. He heard the other dragon gasp.

"What is it?"

Toothless saw the green eyes again, and then a body appeard.

He was obviosly a cross breed. Hiccup's ground skin tine was dark brown, and the scales was even darker. The head was a little more thinner than Toothless's, the muzzle and the neck was a little bit longer. The eyes was more seperated from each other and was bigger than Toothless's eyes. On his forehead three small, grey, horns was placed. Both Toothless and Hiccup had their big ears, but while Toothless had six other nubs, Hiccup had horns that was bent backwards.

The body was smoother than Toothless's and so was the legs. The legs looked like a night furys, but the claws was way longer than a night furys, more like a monstrours nightmares. The back legs was longer than the front legs. The spines of his back looked like a deadly nadders spikes blended with a changewing's spines, and they where growing from the wings started to where the tail ended. The massive wings looked like a night furys, but with the size and sharpness of a timberjack. Where the young male could bend his wings was two claws, with the shape of a changewing's claws. Hiccup had his wings down to the ground, like a monstrous nightmare held it's wings.

The tail was long and slender. The tail fins was in the same dark tone as the scales, they were big and looked like a night fury's.

Toothless could tell that he had changewing blood, deadly nadder blood, timberjack blood, monstrous nightmare blood and night fury blood in his body. It was obvious that he was very much night fury, like 50%. One of his parents must've been a night fury, the other one a cross between the other ones.

"Y-y-ou... You l-look like me..." Hiccup stuttered and stared at Toothless.


To be continued...

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Have a nice day!


(This chapter was copied from my deviantART: httydmelon, just so you don't think I stole it.)

(This chapter is rated G[I think that is the best rating for this chapter?], but future chapter will have higher rating.)

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