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Izzy still thought what to do now. It was all so complicated. Didn't Angewomon stop him? You looked around. "Maybe.." You looked up at the giant creature. Venom Myotismon. "Huge.." "Maybe we should do it!" Tai took Matts hand. T.K. and Kari were obviously nervous. You didn't get what has happened. Angewomon shot her heavens arrow at Tai and Angemon threw a light spear at Matt. "We believe in a miracle!" Suddenly Agumon and Gabumon digivolve. Everyone else held the digivice up. A light rope grew out of the digivices and held him tight. You looked at your own digivice. It was doing nothing. They defeated Venom Myotismon.

They held the digivices up to build a gate. "Hey, Y/N. Why don't you come with us?" Asks the nice girl. "Uhm.." You looked thoughtfull at her. "My name's Sora. And I am sure, you're welcome in our group." You stepped backwards and shooked your head. "No. I have no right in being in your group. I hurt you.. I think I stay alone." You ran into the light with your Salamon and flew up into the sky. You looked down, to see your mom cry. "I am sorry.." you whispered as you disappeared.

Later, as you woke up, you found yourself back in the digiworld. "Right... The time flows different..." Salamon looked around. "Someone is here.." You let Salamon digivolve to Lady Devimon. A clown like digimon appeared in front of you. "So. YOU bear the crest of darkness." A machine like digimon appeared too. "Isn't this child our chosen one?" A sea creature and a puppet appeared too. "Your chosen one?" You looked at them. "I am Piedmon." Said the clown. "I don't want to lie to you. But you, my dear child, are our chosen one. The child of darkness. Let me give your digimon the power to destroy its foes." You looked at Lady Devimon. "What power? The darkness, you mean?" Asked Lady Devimon. Piedmon just nodded.

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