part 2

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Minho offered to drive jeongin home which he accepted. The drive was awkward. is it someone in school? minho asked and the younger already knows what he is talking about. He shook his head. then your parents maybe? jeongin stayed quiet giving the older what he needed to know. do you want to stay somewhere else then he said knowing he was just dropping the younger into an abusive household. i have nowhere else minho also had nowhere else for the younger to stay. here is my number, if anything happens at all tell me he said and wrote down his number onto a random piece of paper he found in his car.

Jeongin walked into his house to see his parents waiting. who was that? a friend stay away from him jeongin was warned and he knew he should listen to it. He walked into his room to do his homework when his phone went off.

Felix has messaged him.

hey jeongin where were you in english?

i went home, I was not feeling well

well we hope your okay, should we come round and look after our little innie?

no its fine, I love you guys

we love our little baby too

jeongin got his books out when he heard his parents shout, instead of doing homework he was going to go out. He quickly scribbled something down. He grabbed his bright pink hoodie and put it over his school uniform. He was going somewhere specific.

After walking for a few minutes he knew what he was doing was a mistake, he things to live for, he had friends, he has not even met his soul mate yet, how would they feel knowing they cant meet him because he was being selfish, he knew the pain never really leaves but passes on to the people you love.

Jeongin broke down crying right where he was. Changbin was walking back from work when he saw the younger, he wish he could approach him but he knew he needed to distance himself from the younger. Changbin knew that he was gay but the last thing he needed was to fall for someone who was doomed. He was about to approach the younger but another boy came up to him.

jeongin whats wrong he reconised that voice, felix.

my parents are fighting again the older hugged the crying boy. Changbin wished it was him in felixs place.

Two weeks later

jeongins parents had been strangely nice to him and he soon found out.

Jeongin was getting ready when is parents walked into his room. His parents were owners of a big business and often had business partners round but never was jeongin allowed in the house while they were round. you come home straight away today, we have an important meeting that you have to attend jeongins dad said and he knew it was about something he was been dreading for as long as he cold remember. be on your best behaviour as well he said and they walked away from their son.

Jeongin walked to school that day and he saw changbin. He had not seen him since chan beat him up. Jeongin was scared to walk in the hallways because of chan, he would always go to lessons early and leave late but this time he had to leave on time. Jeongin spent the whole day wondering who they could have chosen.

why are you so down today? felix asked.

remember when I tolled you my parents want to broaden their business opportunities? felix nodded well a while ago they found a way, marriage

but your parents are already married felix asked not knowing what he meant but seungmin and hyunjin did.

they werent talking about themselves were they? felix said after thinking for a minute and jeongin shook his head.

im guessing you did not tell your parents that you were gay then? hyunjin whispered so no one else heard. and again he shook his head.

so who is the girl then?

i dont know I never get tolled anything, but I have to be home on time so im guessing it is right after school and they wont let me wear my colourful clothes as its not professional jeongin complained unaware of the three boys sat behind then listening.

The three boys behind jeongin decided to go somewhere else. hyung why do you look so mad changbin asked. i cant beat him up today if his parents are expecting him why dont you anyway

because- wait why cant I? chan now had an idea. hyung I wont be able to be there my parents are going out with my sister and I and wont tell us why changbin said hoping that jeongin will be okay, but why should he care he has nothing to do with the younger.

The rest of jeongins classes ended and chan was waiting for him. Jeongin walked out miserable already but that quickly turned to fear. Chan grabbed him and took him behind the school. i heard from a little birdie that someone is getting married chan said and he looked angry.

Jeongins parents were waiting for him, he should have been home and changed and waiting for the guests but he was not. They called him but it went straight to voicemail. They were angry but the guests were here now. After letting them in they locked the door so they would know when he come home.

Changbins pov

I went home and got changed into the outfit my parents prepared for me. where are we going mum my sister asked. to meet your future husband dad said and I knew I had to text chan and tell him it was not important like he originally thought.

After driving for ages we got there and were waiting to be let in. after waiting for a minute the door opened and the woman invited us in. as we were taking our coats and shoes off I looked around at the picture to see a very familiar face, jeongin. My sister was going to marry jeongin.

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