Jack Frost

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"Do you stop believing in the moon, just because the sun comes up?"



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Jack Frost is one of my favorite cartoon characters, not to mention they make him look really good! How is that even possible...it's crazy the amount of crushes I have on cartoon characters. I'm actually very proud of this one cause the hands came out pretty good! I suck at drawing hands, so this was very nice, not to mention it was cool to draw Jack Frost before and after, and to be able to capture that emotion on their faces. Rise of the Guardians will always be one of my favorite movies, I can't even recall how many times I've watched it, but I need a second one! I think one of the biggest things I appreciated in the movie was...Jack Frost...nah just kidding, besides that lol. I appreciated the array of messages this movie relayed, and I think it's very important for children of this age. 

So in the light of this movie, remember you have a purpose, and though other's may not believe in you, always believe in yourself. Life goes on, and each part in our life serves a purpose. In your childhood have fun, do not grow up to quickly. Make memories, and collect them so you can always look back on them. Just remember...have fun!

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