Chapter 16

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The sheets were cold, his eyes wouldn't stop falling down and the sunlight was beginning to annoy him. Why are they doing this? To laugh behind my face or make me weak, to have my neck around their hands until the end?  "Alfred c'mon time to get out of bed." Matthew entered the doorway, pulling the blankets off his brother and all he got was a squirming Alfred trying to keep the warmth with him. "No Mattie please let me stay!" Alfred said loudly but still tired, Matthew smiled but grabbed his brother out of bed and threw clothes at him and left. Alfred sighed but changed into his red shirt, dark blue jean and finally socks with pizza slices on them. He headed out of his room and down the stairs into the living room. Francis was vacuuming and when he noticed Alfred's presence he gave him a wave and a good morning. Alfred took slow steps into the dining room, he saw Arthur reading a newspaper while drinking tea and had a plate of scones and bacon. "Oh, good morning Alfred! How did you slept?" Arthur asked. "Fine enough." Alfred sat down in a chair and stared at his cereal while noticing Matthew watching him in the kitchen secretly. He took a bite of his cold food that he used to love, he felt all the fat in him growing but he kept going until he had enough. He wanted the problems to leave, these people in his house, himself but he knew he had to suffer this and not to mention even Francis who trust him but took all sharp things away, Arthur making him ashamed for his actions and showed Alfred how everyone would be without him. Lastly  twin brother Matthew, they been to hell and back, fought and argued but always ended up forgiving each other and promised to stay with each other side no matter what. His brother was showing him pity and maybe felt bad, he was blaming himself for not stopping this from the beginning,no matter how many times Alfred told him it wasn't his fault he still wouldn't believe him. Watching movies always put Alfred in a good mood so that's why he was randomly picking a movie to watch, Francis stopped vacuuming and started eating breakfast and Mattie was getting more groceries, Arthur was still reading his newspaper but finished his plate and made another batch of the same tea he was drinking.

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