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y'all deserve an explanation

im discontinuing all my books hAh???

im not in the sam and colby fandom anymore. i kinda had a fall out, with them being gone and their 'new content' and the fandom being so damn toxic. i left my editing account, ofc not before getting a bunch of shit and hate for leaving. on top of that, school. im failing most of my classes, and it just doesn't feel right to write books when you're failing English literature/ language arts class. besides, i was never super passionate about writing. i was never inspired to keep writing sksksk

and oh my god,,,, for the love of gOD it took my doctors 3 months to figure out i had a tumor, so Jan-March I was going through a bunch of shit, as you might know. THAT was rough.

if you couldn't tell from my layout, im in the 'miraculous ladybug' fandom now KSKSKS so uHhhH yeah??? cartoons always appealed to me more than real people.

and i believe that's it? if you have any questions just comment

à bientôt,

disorderly // solbyWhere stories live. Discover now